I was asking why all the photographs of mythical beasts were fuzzy or out of focus.
Apparently, this is an automated setting that you cannot alter.
It certainly explains why there are no clear photographs of a Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Abominable Snowman, Bunyip, random big cats, etc. in existence.
While researching this subject I discovered that many of the claimed Bigfoot sightings have subsequently been admitted to be hoaxes.
That’s not fair.
I’d love there to still be some strange creatures wandering about mostly hidden from human view.
We do, on occasion, re-discover a creature that had been thought to be extinct.
The most amazing one, as far as I’m concerned, is the Dinosaur Ant.
An entomologist found two specimens in Western Australia in 1931.
They searched for 30 years to find a living colony without success.
Then, an accidental discovery of a living colony at Poochera, South Australia in 1977.
That’s 1700 km from the Russell Range.
Since then another 17 colonies have been found on the Eyre Peninsula.
Scientists think these ants are unchanged from the specimens caught in amber that date back 60 million years.
They’re hard to find because they are nocturnal, unlike most other ants.
The only reason they were found is because an entomologist travelling to Esperance in WA stopped for a nature break at night and spotted these odd ants.
Like all good entomologists, he was carrying a specimen jar.
No blurry or fuzzy photo here.
Another case of luck being the result of preparedness and experience.
When you choose a bank that’s only a block from the Police station, what could possibly go wrong?
70-year-old Lawrence John Ripple walked into the Bank of Labor in Kansas City, Kansas, and handed a teller a note that read, “I have a gun, give me money.”
Surprisingly Ripple’s goal was not money.
It was a desperate ploy to get away from his wife by going to jail.
Therefore, after the teller handed Ripple $2,924 in cash, he simply sat down in the bank’s lobby and waited for the police to arrive.
When they arrived, he handed the money back and was arrested peacefully.
In front of the judge, he pleaded guilty and then blew it.
He explained that he had been depressed after heart surgery and was not himself.
The bank manager and the teller pleaded for leniency which the Judge granted.
The bastards.
Lawrence’s sentence?
Pay the bank for the staff wages because the bank closed for the rest of the day - $277.
This isn’t for everyone because many people won’t have the capital required to get started, but if you do…
One of my old bosses said that the best business to start was one that required a significant amount of seed capital because it weeded out most of the competition.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. The problem with most Internet businesses is that anyone can start with no capital.
That’s also why so few people seem to make a living at it.
Lazy people start because it’s easy, but they don’t keep going because they’re lazy.
It’s not difficult to beat them in any niche.
All you have to do is be consistent and keep going.
You can watch the competition rise and fall like the ocean swell.
When they rise, so do you, and when you’ve captured some of that new flood of customers in your email lists, you keep rising.
Today there is no one who could possibly come close, no matter how smart they think they are.
Genius is a word that’s too easily bandied about and mostly is incorrect.
Even the AI tools do not know everything and will make stuff up when they don’t know.
However, you do not have to know everything about any subject to be seen as an expert in that field.
You only have to know more than the people you are talking to.
Fortunately, that’s not hard at all, and you can use AI to help.
You may need to crosscheck some AI-generated facts, but all you need to do is find another two or three references to establish those facts.
Did you know that you don’t need to know a prompt to use one?
Ask the AI to create the prompt and then act on it.
As an example, try this. “Can you create a prompt that will allow you to explain in depth what I need to know about Press Releases and then act on that prompt?”
I got an excellent and extensive response.
You could edit this to get a great response for any niche or sub-niche.
Have fun.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. When you’ve become a recognised expert, you’ll still need to have a way to communicate with your fans.
While the Climate Change True Believers would have us think that the drought in Europe was caused by the burning of fossil fuels, the find under a rock in Traben-Trarbach, a German town closer to the French and Luxembourg borders puts the lie to that concept.
While the Climate Change True Believers would have us think that the drought in Europe was caused by the burning of fossil fuels, the find under a rock in Traben-Trarbach, a German town closer to the French and Luxembourg borders puts the lie to that concept.
The Moselle River water levels have fallen so far that the time capsule left by the people in 1417 exposed the bottles of wine to be drunk the next time the water levels were so low.
Talk about storing your wine in a stable environment.
Humidity levels are always the same, the temperature only varies a small amount, and no light would get to the wine.
There were probably not many cars driving around in 1417 so we can’t blame fossil fuels for the then drought.
I wonder how good the wine was to drink.
I suspect that, even in that environment, the wine was essentially undrinkable.
Wine does not normally remain in good condition for 607 years.
In my cellar, it rarely lasts for 10 years, but that’s not a reflection of the cellar or the wine quality.
My autoresponder was migrated to a different server during sending, and the link to the database broke.
When I fixed that, the autoresponder repeated sending the last email.
I trust that didn’t bother you too much, but it was totally out of my control, and I had no idea that it would respond that way.
As I have said before, and will probably say again, when your business relies on someone else’s platform there is always the possibility of disruption or total loss.
It should be part of your weekly maintenance routine to back up your email lists.
It should also be part of your daily routine to do something to add to your email list.
Also, backup all your websites at least monthly, but weekly is better, or daily if your sites have a lot of activity.
Even if nothing is happening, you still must make backups.
I lost months of work on three sites because I was stupid and didn’t back them up as I went.