The stats vary a bit from year to year, but overall, the statement is true, and it usually takes between 5 and 7 years. The question is, why? The answer is that most of them had no previous experience managing any money, let alone a windfall like a lottery win.
Yes, it is possible to make a million in a relatively short time online, but it is unlikely.
Not because you’re stupid but because you don’t have the experience yet.
You get experience by doing.
Make landing pages and send traffic.
You don’t really need any product initially.
You can offer something and find out if people will subscribe to it.
The next page can say, “This is a marketing test. When we have sufficient interest, we will send you a link to download it. If you choose to unsubscribe immediately, an email with an unsubscribe link has been sent to you.”
Alternatively, you can use AI to create a helpful lead magnet.
If no one subscribes, you have lost nothing but the time spent creating the landing page and whatever the traffic cost.
This is no different from those web pages that say, “Under Construction.”
Some of those domains never get any content.
You have to do something, though, or nothing will happen.
Something I’m really good at when I’m reading, but not so much at any other time. Being easily distracted is good and bad. On the one hand, being easily distracted means you are far more likely to notice odd things going on around you. This is actually a survival skill.
TrafficWave, one of the autoresponders I use every day, is closing down. I’ll have to migrate all my subscribers to another autoresponder and perhaps some or all of my funnels. That’s a right PITA because my wife and I are off on holiday again starting Friday.
Knock, knock, knock. My heart did a double flip. I don’t get visitors here, so who could that be? At the door were two police officers and a young man I knew. We’ll call him Shags because that was his nickname. What the hell do they want? Then came the request.
At the door were two police officers and a young man I knew.
We’ll call him Shags because that was his nickname.
What the hell do they want?
Then came the request.
Not from the police, but from Shags.
“Can you lend me $75?”
“I’ll pay you back, but I need it to pay my fine, or I’ll be taken to jail right now.”
It didn’t occur to me that if he hadn’t been able to put the money together to pay his fine to avoid going to jail, the chances of me getting my money back were slim to none when the pressure of a negative outcome had been reduced.
Have you ever been put in one of these situations?
It doesn’t matter what you do, you lose.
If I don’t pay his fine for him, he goes to jail, and his family will blame me.
Perhaps even take some retribution for my ‘failing to help him out’.
He may have a grudge after he is released and seek retribution.
If I do pay his fine, I’ll lose the $75.
Being a soft touch then, I paid his fine and kept him out of jail.
No, I was never paid back.
His family didn’t shower me with love and affection.
Did I do him a favour?
I’m not sure, but I doubt it.
I haven’t had anything to do with him or his family in a very long time, but I doubt he has developed into a fine, upstanding human being.
What did I get from that?
This email.
The thing about money is that you can always get more of it.
The thing about relationships with others is that you can always develop new ones.
One thing you can never do is change what you did in the past, but you can change your future by what you do today.
Small decisions today are the stepping stones to your brighter future.
Every decision has a consequence.
You get to choose some of those consequences every time.
P.S. The first step towards your brighter, more financially secure future is figuring out how to encourage people to buy through your link or your product.
To do that, you’ll need to find one pain point for which you can provide one solution.
Do that, and people will not need to be sold with a snazzy sales page.
They’ll pay whatever it takes to make the pain go away.
Drug dealers know that and use it.
Shiny Object sellers know that and use it.
Medical professionals know that and use it.
Politicians know that and use it.
There are more, but you get the point.
The difference between them and you is that you know that your solution stops the pain.
Most of the others don’t want the pain to stop because that stops their income.
But when you stop the pain in one area, you can always find more pain points for which to find solutions.
I was initially suspicious because when there is a political leak, it’s never an accident. It’s always a deliberate leak in an attempt to gain some political advantage. It’s also often taken completely out of context. As I said, I was suspicious, but apparently,
Here’s a little story to prove that statement. Let’s take the “How many kW to run a house” keyword in the solar energy market. According to the Keywords Everywhere tool, this phrase has 0 searches per month, but it came up in the People Also Ask list.
P.S. By the way, Google is still reporting that over 30% of the millions of keywords that are searched every day have never been searched before.
When you write articles and make videos based on those supposedly zero-volume keywords, you’ll automatically include keywords that haven’t been searched yet.
That’s free traffic in spades.
There’s no point in calling Saul; you’ll have to do it yourself.
One of the biggest challenges for any membership site owner is how long the membership period should be. Many of them, mine included, have a monthly subscription sometimes with a reduced price for a 12-month subscription. There are two problems with that structure.
One of the biggest challenges for any membership site owner is how long the membership period should be.
Many of them, mine included, have a monthly subscription sometimes with a reduced price for a 12-month subscription.
There are two problems with that structure.
The first one is that many people will sign up for a month and then unsubscribe after they have stripped any freebies, without really diving into the regular content.
While some people are happy to go with a 12-month subscription, that also locks the owner into delivering for 12 months, which grows as more people subscribe.
Every new subscriber locks in the next 12 months for them and the owner.
While that’s nice, it’s also restrictive.
You can’t just walk away until the last subscriber has seen out their 12 months.
It’s good because long-term subscribers have a full opportunity to understand the content as it is delivered.
There is a better subscription period.
It gives the subscribers time to fully immerse themselves in the content without feeling rushed.
It prevents the slam bam, thank you, mam, typical of the single-month subscriber.
That period is 90 days.
You wouldn’t offer a monthly or yearly subscription for that period.
Depending on your pricing, this will not seem like the financial hit that a 12-month subscription would be, and yet it would be possible to charge a higher monthly fee than you might otherwise.
Instead of the $27 x 3 = $81 that a monthly subscription might cost over three months, you could charge $90 – $100 quarterly, which is less than a coffee a day.
Of course, you still need to supply decent content that justifies that subscription level, but that’s not as hard as it might seem.
It’s not even useful to spend any time thinking about that country because you cannot change anything. The past does not determine the future. It may, and often does, cause us to think we’re somehow bound by past events, but we’re not. Sometimes, our past gets
It’s not even useful to spend any time thinking about that country because you cannot change anything.
The past does not determine the future.
It may, and often does, cause us to think we’re somehow bound by past events, but we’re not.
Sometimes, our past gets locked in by those around us.
They expect you to behave in a particular way because that’s how you behaved before.
My Dad told me that he felt free when he finally left the town he’d lived in for most of his life.
I moved around quite a lot as a young man and understood what he felt.
Every time I moved, I had a chance to re-invent myself and become the person I wanted to be because I wasn’t bound by those who knew me in the last place.
That’s very empowering.
It proved to me that we can change who we are or were by changing the way we think, talk, and behave.
We can all walk away from the past.
We do not have to repeat it.
It helps to learn from it, though.
Today, you can start to design a different future than the one you might seem to be heading for now.
All it takes is a decision and the determination to see it through.
It’s not as hard as it might seem because if you know of or can imagine someone else living the life you want, then all you need to do is follow that path.
At each decision fork ask yourself, “What would … do?”.
Invent it if necessary because it will become real.
The theory is that it’s just as easy to make a $1k sale as it is to make 1,000 $1 sales. I’m testing that out at the moment. If that is the case, reaching $1k per day/week/month should be much easier. It does make sense that if your commission on a sale is $1k, then you’ll only need to make one per day/week/month.
Thinking for yourself is way harder and has a cost. Not thinking is so much easier, but the cost is much higher. Looking around, I see so many instances of people not thinking. The chants from the pro-Palestinian marchers. They call to stop a “genocide” that isn’t happening while calling for a genocide.
Thinking for yourself is way harder and has a cost.
Not thinking is so much easier, but the cost is much higher.
Looking around, I see so many instances of people not thinking.
The chants from the pro-Palestinian marchers.
They call to stop a “genocide” that isn’t happening while calling for a genocide.
The “Just Stop Oil” protests definitely no thinking of potential consequences there.
Protestors flying into to protest about fossil fuels at global events.
Buying shiny objects over and over again, without even trying them out.
I was reading about several talented marketers who have stopped coaching because the people who have paid big dollars to be coached will not do what they’re told to do.
I’ve seen it, and so have you: people who sign up for things and never open the first email that has the link to the thing they signed up for.
You follow through with what you say you want to do and what you want to achieve.
Don’t you?
You’re here because you have expressed an interest in making money online.
How is that going for you?
Are you happy with your results so far?
If not, you can reply to this email and ask me for help.
If you are happy with where you are but would like to take it to the next level, you can also email me for help.
In the meantime, you might like to ramp up your access to new groups of people by using AI to create content and spread it around the Internet, like building a big spider web.
The more threads you have out there, the more flies visitors you’ll catch.
It’s a wonderful thing.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. When you sign up here for your 5 free test articles, you’ll also get my secret list of 1,000+ places to post content for the flies visitors to see.