You know that to be successful online or off, you need to identify your ideal customer and target all your content to that person. That single person is the one you write everything for. They are your best friend, and you know exactly what makes them tick. When you write to them, your writing takes on a new dimension. It has personality, warmth, trust, honesty and directness. You can tell them that their missing the point and explain the difference between what they think they understand and what is really going on. Now, you do have to use this with caution. Use this skill with love and care. Do not be evil. But you may well be talking to the wrong friend. Not all of your friends are interested in making money with an email list. Not all your friends are as fascinated with Bitcoin as you are. Not all your friends desperately want to lose weight. Some of your friends are interested in one or more of these, but that doesn’t mean they’ll buy from you. Just because they are interested doesn’t mean they’ll buy, or they’ll do anything with it if they buy. Many people don’t have the confidence that they can achieve what they would like to achieve. “We imagine that we want to escape our selfish and commonplace existence, but we cling desperately to our chains.” – Anne Sullivan. This is why people buy exercise equipment and hide it under the bed until they finally admit failure and put it out on the footpath. They want to be fit, but they want to be fit yesterday without doing the work today and tomorrow. When the problem never gets solved, we keep buying the same stuff repeatedly and feel relief when we do, but the problem remains. Change is hard. Change is scary. Statis is safe, known, even if it is uncomfortable. That is why your target audience are those who are already doing something. Those who are already building an email list, and you sell them something to help them build it faster, get better open rates, or make more sales. The target audience might be collecting Bitcoin, so you sell them something that helps them make more money faster. Your target audience might have a reason to lose weight, so you show them how to look fabulous for their wedding, or get back to that pre-baby body. The information in chapter 4 of this free report will help you identify your actual target audience so your advertisements will be effective. Regards, |