Honour and ethics are being steadily eroded as some prominent people get away with lies, cheating and blatantly stealing. This behaviour has been going on for years in all fields. Ranging from drug cheats in sports to outrageous lies in politics. This all comes about because some people think the end justify the means, but that is never true. If it were, it would be acceptable to walk into your neighbour’s home and steal his car. Does the result of having a nicer car make stealing it acceptable? No, it doesn’t. Lying to win a political advantage is also unacceptable. Taking performance-enhancing drugs to win fame and fortune is not acceptable. Telling potential customers to refund their purchase and buy the same product through your link is unacceptable. There is no honour in winning by cheating, defrauding or violence. It is critically important for you to determine what your ethical standards are and stick to them. After all, you must be able to sleep at night and tell your kids what you do with pride. This email subject was brought to you due to the unethical behaviour of a couple of individuals in a recent product launch. Regards, P.S. I keep getting people signing up for my emails through a very passive system. I’ve talked about this before, but it just keeps working. Not fast, but steady. The system is LeadsLeap. https://go.wm-tips.com/llhome. I have the Pro account, meaning I don’t have to view ads to get visitors, but I started with the free account and got sign-ups from that activity as well. Some of you getting this email joined through LeadsLeap, hi and thank you. The rest of you can follow the link above and learn more about how this works. It’s easy as falling off a log unless you’re a lumberjack. |