It’s not too soon to ask that question. I can’t answer that one for you, but I can for me. If you started your internal reply with “I hope…” it probably won’t happen. The answer needs to start with “I will…” to have any chance of you getting there. You do not have to tell me where you’ll be because that’s up to you. Once you do know where you’ll be in 2026 the next step is to break that down to a daily or weekly activity goal. You must know what you have to do today and tomorrow to get there. Then, you must actually do those activities. The best way to make that happen is to mark big red crosses on a big paper calendar every day you do the activity. There’s nothing nicer than seeing an unbroken line of crosses for months knowing full well that each cross takes you closer to where you’re going to be. Here’s a little trick I picked up a few years ago that helps make sure you get things done. Start. It might be a book, a blog post, a video script, an email, etc. Starting whatever it is and then leaving it because you don’t have enough time to complete it right now is a great motivator. This causes cognitive dissonance which brings you back to complete it as soon as possible. But saying to yourself that you don’t have time to finish it so you don’t start is a sure way to make sure you don’t get it done. Almost none of us have hours of uninterrupted time to get those things done so utilising this trick helps keep you focused and on track. In that case, why don’t you sign up here now?. You can always come back to download the PDFs and get started reading them later. Regards, |