January 19, 2013 is when Lance Armstrong finally admitted doping in all 7 of his Tour de France victories. Severely damaging the credibility of le Tour as well as destroying his legacy. He’d even sued people during that period who called him a drug cheat, and won. I wonder if he paid back the money he fraudlently took from them? What I find curious is that taking drugs to win sporting events is called cheating and frowned upon, but calling yourself a woman and competing against women to win sporting events is somehow not cheating. I have two possible solutions to this current crop of cheats. The first is to have a Trans only competition. The second is that all Trans athletes must have had full reassignment surgery plus a minimum of 12 months Oestrogen therapy and no training during that period before they’re allowed to compete against women. I suspect that the bulk of Trans athletes will not want to go through that regime. Their agenda is not to become women, but to win sporting events. I might be wrong, what do you think? Regards, P.S. It may feel like cheating to make money using AI tools to help, but it’s not. Marketers have been outsourcing content creation for years, and using AI tools to help is just another form of outsourcing. Some marketers have outsourced almost every aspect of their online ‘work’. You could use Fiverr to do everything if you were prepared to pay the fees. But it’s so much simpler to keep it all under your control and use this: https://go.wm-tips.com/insight, |