90% of the time we don’t even notice. Which sock do you put on first? Is it always that side? Which shoe? Which arm do you put in your jacket first? There are hundreds of things we do every day that are habitual. When you drive to a familiar place do you always take the same route? I could keep asking these questions for a 500 word email, but I’m sure you’re smart enough to begin asking them yourself. Habits are the things that keep our lives running mostly smoothly. We couldn’t function without them. If you had to make a decision about every little thing every step of every day you’d drown in confusion and probably get very little done. That’s why we all need to make the things we want to achieve part of our habitual life. That’s why you break your goals down to daily steps, then you make those steps a habit. This is how you do it:- https://go.wm-tips.com/atomic. Regards, |