When I re-read the instructions in the PDF “Nothing But Net” it clearly states that the books are now bonusware. That means I can offer them as a bonus, but I can’t sell them. None of the links work because the domain they are linked through doesn’t exist anymore. However, I have decided that I should honour the wishes of the author and not charge for the PDFs. To that end they are included in the membership area but not the paid membership section. You can download both he PDFs by subscribing to the Substack page as a free member. Do that here:- I suggest that if you do want to get as much free traffic as possible to your website then downloading and reading both these books will be an excellent use of your time. The Internet only works on links. These books lay out exactly how to get links and visitors for free. Some of the sites mentioned don’t exist anymore but there are plenty of substitutes for you to use. It’s the principles that are the most important here, and they remain the same as they were when the books were written. Remember that some of the methods used were abused by lazy marketers and Google stomped on them at the time. By making sure that any page you create has useful content for people you will not get a Google stomping. The big secret seems to be making all pages and mini sites able to stand alone as legitimate pages even though they have links to your main site. They must have a purpose beyond passing visitors to another website. Have a read of those books and tell me what you think. Regards, |