Most affiliate programs work on the last cookie data. This means that when you send a visitor to a product page via an affiliate link you’ll get the commission as long as yours was the last cookie set. However, if some other affiliate manages to get their link clicked between yours and the sale they’ll get the commission. Because theirs was the last cookie set. Is that fair? Not always. If your almost customer has one of the coupon plugins installed in their web browser you could lose the sale to them. If you’ve sent them to an Amazon product and there is a review video on that page you may lose the sale there. Can you prevent that? Not really, but you might be able to reduce the risk. If you’re offering a bonus for using your link it helps. If you can find any coupons for the product so they don’t feel the need to check with the plugin you can save the commission. About the only other thing you can do is get the customer to click your links more often. These are some of the reasons that many people find affiliate marketing hard. That is also why some people, fortunately a minority, resort to shady tactics to make money with affiliate marketing. When you operate a blog your best option for monetising it is to test different affiliate programs, other types of monetisation etc. Sticking with one product or one method will only work if you get lucky. As with everything online, testing is the key. This has a great affiliate program built in for you to use and recruit affiliate with. Take a good look Regards, |