Here’s a sneaky little trick that works on many levels. Whenever you make a sale make sure you follow up with them to be certain that they’ve picked up what they bought. Then, in about the third or fourth email, give them a bonus that they didn’t expect. It could be anything, even a one-page checklist, as long as it will help them with their purchase. This bonus must be completely unannounced so it’s a 100% surprise. Confirm in the next email that they did get it, but that’s it. Now, I got this idea from the Tools for Motivation email and think it’s doozy. One thing they suggest is that you could use a product that you’re selling for the bonus by giving them a 100% off coupon. That way they can see that you are giving them a valuable bonus. Or it could be something that you never sell. Whichever way you go about it the customer will feel just that little bit special and appreciate you for it. Robert Cialdini talks about this as the law of reciprocity. The Hari Krishna’s would use this to gather donations. They’s give you a flower and then ask for a donation. It happened to me once, I gave them the flower as my donation. They weren’t happy. At least with this method you’re giving something of value without asking anything in return, but next time you have something for sale they are more likely to buy. Regards, |