Yep, this kills most dreams before they’re fully formed. Doubt kills more dreams than failure. Doubt of your ability. Doubt of the path. Doubt from others. We’ve all been there, but some of us pushed it aside and went for it. What we found when we did that is that action kills doubt. Things didn’t always work out, but taking action meant that we found out what didn’t work faster than trying to think of all the ways it wouldn’t work. Action also kills fear of failure. Once you’ve had a few things bomb you’ll quickly discover that you’re the only one who cares. If you don’t tell anyone then no-one else will know. So, don’t tell them, and just put your head down. Work out why things didn’t work and try a different tack. The answers are always, wrong offer to the wrong people. It’s never the price or the product. Reframe the offer, find a different group of people. You can do this. Regards, |