I saw this feature not long after it was implemented but didn’t wake up to how powerful it really is. In ChatGPT Pro there is a ChatGPT with Tasks section. Yes, you do have to pay to get access. It’s $20 a month I think. Anyway, what the tasks tool will do is remind you of tasks you need to get done. This is time management on steroids because you can use any prompt you like as part of the task. Such as, find the top 5 news stories about laptop deals at 5:00pm, write me an outline for a blog post, and remind me at 9:00am to complete posting to my blog. ChatGPT will do the research for you and provide the outline for your blog post. Since you have to proof-read any AI blog post and personalise it this will make your day so much easier because all the research part is done. You could do this in any niche and stay on top of developments which would make your site one of the go to sites online. It’s an easy step to go from here to collecting emails, notifying people of the new blog post, and having things on your site that will make you money. OK, this tool is a little limited on some ways because it can’t email you the notification yet, but probably soon. However, in the meantime you can use the tool to create whatever you like and have it remind you to do what needs to be done. Almost any time period you like from several hours to months. What you can do them is either post manually or email the content to Make and have Make create and post the content for you. There are many ways to automate this and set up reminders for anything you need. Who needs a To-Do list or app now? Regards, |