This 1970 Franklin Mint sales letter grossed nearly $2mill in 2 weeks.That’s equivalent to $13 million in todays dollars.The product for sale cost $100, which had the buying power of around $1.2k in today’s dollars. In a matter of weeks, the sales reached 18,321 orders which is a smidge over $1.8 million, the equivalent of over $13 million today. Remember that these sales had to come in by mail accompanied by a cheque or mail order. These were no impulse buys such as we see online, the sales letter was probably read over and over before the decision to post the money to the Franklin Mint was made. Now that’s a powerful sales letter. Remarkably, it did so with just one page of copy — nine short paragraphs comprising 394 words. This is a sales page that you should have in your swipe file because there are some potent phrases included that you can use today. The trouble is that you are unlikely to find this particular sales letter anywhere online, except in two places. The link in the email I got this morning and the members’ area of . Since you are probably not on the other email list and this is valuable information for any aspiring marketer, such as yourself, this email is the only place you’ll find the link. I’ll make the sales letter available to everyone in the substack readership for a limited time, but I will put it behind the subscribers-only wall in a day or so. It would pay you to read it now because delaying may mean you neglect to get back to it before it gets hidden. To read this potent sales letter, go here . Regards, |