Thinking for yourself is way harder and has a cost. Not thinking is so much easier, but the cost is much higher. Looking around, I see so many instances of people not thinking. The chants from the pro-Palestinian marchers. They call to stop a “genocide” that isn’t happening while calling for a genocide. The “Just Stop Oil” protests definitely no thinking of potential consequences there. Protestors flying into to protest about fossil fuels at global events. Buying shiny objects over and over again, without even trying them out. I was reading about several talented marketers who have stopped coaching because the people who have paid big dollars to be coached will not do what they’re told to do. I’ve seen it, and so have you: people who sign up for things and never open the first email that has the link to the thing they signed up for. None of those people are you, of course. You follow through with what you say you want to do and what you want to achieve. Don’t you? You’re here because you have expressed an interest in making money online. How is that going for you? Are you happy with your results so far? If not, you can reply to this email and ask me for help. If you are happy with where you are but would like to take it to the next level, you can also email me for help. In the meantime, you might like to ramp up your access to new groups of people by using AI to create content and spread it around the Internet, like building a big spider web. The more threads you have out there, the more It’s a wonderful thing. Regards, P.S. When you sign up here for your 5 free test articles, you’ll also get my secret list of 1,000+ places to post content for the |