Yep, there have been several fires already which will be blamed on Climate Change when they’re really caused by morons with matches. Here in South Australia we have a slightly different approach to bushfires to other states and countries. The two biggest differences are that on days of extreme fire danger the power company can turn of the power to prevent sparks from conductor clashes starting fires. The second is that water bombers are called in immediately, we don’t wait for the fire to get out of control. We had a fire started a few days ago about 3 – 4 km from our home. We were never going to be at risk, but it was nice to see two fixed wing bombers and three helicopter bombers over the fire within 10 minutes of the first alert. When you treat all fires are high risk you manage the risk better and get a better outcome. Managing risk is almost always a result of good planning around known events. You can’t solve a problem before it arrives, and it may never arrive, but you can have a plan in place for how you would deal with it if it does. This means that when you’re writing out your 2025 business plan you can brainstorm potential problems and their possible solutions. Then you can ignore them until they occur because you’ll have a game plan. Are you writing your plan? I’m working on mine. This will be an integral part, Regards, |