Tuesday January 21st is One-liners day. I bought a box of animal crackers. It said on the box “Don’t use if seal is broken.” I had to open it to find out. My apologies, that’s not a one-liner, but I found it funny. As I tell my kids when they groan at a comment, “My humour is for my benefit because I find something funny. If you find it funny, that’s a bonus, but it’s not essential.” Dad jokes are mostly one-liners because that’s how they work. I really shouldn’t type any more because I don’t want you to think that’s all I’ve got. Change of subject. I know there are quite a few of you who already make good money, but i also know that there are many who do not. So I’ve got a shortcut for you that’ll clarify and solidify what you need to do to get on the path to a https://llclickpro.com/wormhole/. Regards, |