I think I might have found my new web browser. I had numerous suggestions which I tried or had already tried so thank you all for responding. I had even resorted to trying Edge, which is OK, but not great as I could only set up one profile without logging into the Microsoft space. But, the browser I’m using now allows multiple profiles. Thanks Chris. I still have to log into their platform, but it’s not one of the big tech companies and they only need that for synchronisation. What do profiles do for you? Setting up profiles allows you to have everything in each profile seperate from every other profile. You could call them containers or workspaces etc. There is a bit of a PITA in this system in that you have to set up any plugins you want in each profile because they are isolated, but the upside is you only need the plugins that that profile needs. Tabs are called spaces and are also unique for each profile. Bookmarks are called favourites and are unique to each profile. All this means is that all your working tools are kept away from your play profiles. It’s much harder for a hacker to infiltrate your web browser and get all your links. The other nice thing is that all the tabs you have open get archived in a period that you set which reduces the load on your computer. Unarchiving is as easy as clicking the tab link in the sidebar. There are no tabs across the top of the screen, everything is in the menu or sidebar. All of this to say I think I’m a bit of a fan right now and I will only need two browsers open at a time. This one and the DuckDuckGo web browser for YouTube videos. This new one is called Arc and you can find it here .There’s no affiliate link because it’s free.
Regards, |