The subject line of an email today was “Download 200+ Life Hacks to Simplify Your Life…”. Don’t they understand that 200+ life hacks don’t simplify my life? To start, I have to read them all. Then I’d have to implement some of them, which probably means signing up to yet another website and email list, perhaps even paying some money. None of that simplifies my life. Sheesh! I’d hate to see what that person thinks would complicate my life. When it comes to product creation, there are still people who think that the important thing is to sell the ‘thud’ factor. The product must have 20-hour-long videos, at least that many PDF transcripts and matching audio files. They think that is what gives the product value. Nope. I estimate that 90% of people who buy those massive tomes never complete whatever it is they’ve bought. That’s a waste of money and time. The value of a product is not in the volume of information. It’s in the information itself. If you can impart a solution to a burning problem on a single page of a PDF, and the problem is big enough, you can be paid hundreds of dollars for that single page. No one who needs that information will complain about the price if it pays for itself rapidly. When creating your products think one problem – one solution. Make it concise so the buyer doesn’t have to wade through fluff or padding, and you’re on a winner. Don’t waste your time or theirs with unnecessary verbiage. If you happen to buy a product that does have more words than substance, you can copy-paste it into ChatGPT and ask for a summary. That works a treat. Regards, P.S. Something that doesn’t waste your time or your customers is short videos. This delightful tool makes it so simple to make short videos that it’s tempting to make more than you need. Have a play with the tool, and it’s free to make a few for testing purposes. You’re currently a free subscriber to Brent’s Newsletter. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription.