We all have to spend some time in NPT, but spending too much time there is detrimental to your bank balance and your self-esteem. Ok, Brent, WTF is NPT? It’s No Pay Time. Which is totally different from Pay Time. Pay Time is the time you spend to get more visitors to your pages. No Pay Time is the time you spend reading emails, watching YouTube videos, catching up on your social media activities, etc. You have to do both, but you must avoid cutting into your PT with too much NPT. What this means is that you need to schedule both so that you don’t have overlap. When you do things this way you won’t feel guilty about reading emails when you know you should be creating a blog post. Not only that, but you’ll be far more productive because you’ll be better focused on the activity you’re doing. TBH, I can’t claim to be as excellent at dividing my time on the computer as I should be, but I’m getting better. Every day is another day to practice doing things more productively. Ain’t none of us perfect. Regards, P.S. One of the ways to make the boring activities more interesting is to listen to music or a podcast at the same time. When I’m clicking ads to drive traffic to my ads here https://go.wm-tips.com/llhome, I listen to podcasts. Occasionally, I come across an ad that I’m interested in, so I click the links and open them in a new tab. I can go over those later, or not. I can’t do that while writing blog content, though; it’d be too distracting. I can do it while creating AI content, though, because that doesn’t require much thinking either. |