Most people will not develop genuine passive income, but some will. The reason is that most people don’t understand what it is. Hit songs, best-selling books, real estate, shares in profitable businesses, etc. are all examples of passive income. Art collections, precious stones or metals, cryptocurrencies, etc. are not. Those things might grow in value, but they do not produce income. Your definitions might vary from mine, but as far as I’m concerned passive income is anything that pays money into your account that you don’t have to do anything else for. Essentially, anything that you’ve done or paid for once that continues to generate an income. It is possible to create this while you work for a boss, but most people don’t do what’s required. You can find out more here:- Yeah, it is safe to visit, but I do need to make it SSL secure now. Yes, I have followed those rules, and, despite some serious setbacks, they are the reason I’m comfortably retired now. It all starts with having some cashflow to work with. That could be a job, a side-hustle, or a business. Anything that pays you for doing something. Once you’ve got that established you can get where you want to go by following the steps. Regards, |