I understand it’s often easier to use those and other accounts to sign up for and sign into other sites. It’s a terrible idea though. You know they track you so they can push advertising at you “for your convenience”. The more places you use your account details for increases exponentially the amount of data they have on you. Add that to the way they track where you go, which stores you visit, and listen in to the conversations you have; these companies know more about you than you do. They can predict your behaviour with fantastic accuracy. Most of the advertising you see as you wander aimlessly around the Internet is targeted to you specifically. OK, so you might think that this is all pretty harmless. You might think you’re not doing anything wrong, so where’s the harm? “I’ve got nothing to hide” is a common statement I get when I talk about this invasion of our privacy to people IRL. So why do you have the doors of your house or apartment shut and locked? Why do you lock your car door when you leave it? Because some people might steal your possessions? What if they didn’t steal anything but went through your home and tried on your underwear or other clothing? Would that bother you? What about if you spotted someone taking photographs of you or your kids on a daily basis? Would that bother you? How about if you discovered a hidden microphone in your home or car? That’s right. You already have one of those. You carry it with you everywhere. You even pay monthly for the privilege of carrying it around. Your mobile phone is useful for you, but it’s more beneficial for the companies who make them and sell them to you. You pay them to collect your data and sell it to other people. Do like I do and turn the data off when you’re not using it. It’ll still work just fine as a phone and camera, but you screw up their tracking and data collection, and the microphone in your pocket doesn’t work either. Regards, P.S. Something a bit light-hearted after that rant. I’ve put together a collection of coffee mugs for your entertainment. You can use the captions on T-Shirts and other products if you prefer on this site https://www.zazzle.com.au/mbr/238306727680450178. Let me know if you like any of them. |