Sometimes the AI tools can be extremely frustrating. I find that you have to talk to them like they’re 5-year-olds. Even then you don’t always get a useable result. Today’s task has been writing code for a web page. Getting AI to write webpages is pretty straight forward and the best written pages come from DeepSeek at the moment. The best code was coming from ChatGPT, but today it’s been harder than pulling teeth without drugs and on your own. It seems to consistently produce the same faults without going past them. When I get through this and get the code doing what I want it to do I will have an awesome tool for live editing bulk HTML files. This will allow tech-averse people to build great looking websites with AI. At least that’s the plan right now. One big hurdle has been overcome. The ability to place the tools on your website from your desktop without going through the pain of navigating the Cpanel. Now the Cpanel of any website is pretty simple once you’ve done it a few times, but can be a bit of a scary thing the first time. And it is a PITA to have to navigate it every time you want to update or add a web page if you’re building an HTML website. But HTML websites load faster and have almost no security issues if there are no forms on them, and the ones that do exist are easily thwarted. Unlike WordPress or other CMS platforms where there is so much third-party software in use that there will be holes to the hackers to exploit even though there are constant updates to plug them. All that to explain why these emails seem a little terse lately. Could do better – just like many of my school reports. Regards, |