Yep, I’m back from Melbourne. I’m really happy with the way the Prius performed. I budgeted for up to three tanks of fuel but only used 2.5 (roughly). On the drive over, I added some fuel just out of Melbourne; I topped up the tank as we were leaving and got home on that tankful. We only needed three stops on the return journey for us and the dog. My wife eased the boredom of the long stretches by listening to her audiobook. Unfortunately, she didn’t remember her headphones, so I had to listen to it as well. Now I have a middle snippet of her book, and I’ll have to listen to the rest of it to complete the story. Last week, I came across a website that connects you with authors who will pay you to turn their books into audiobooks. Grab a few and listen to them to discover how easy that is. If you want to make as much money as possible from reading books aloud, you can create an audiobook from a public domain book, your book, or a PLR book. An alternative is to read other people’s books for a fee. Sites such as,, and will connect you with authors who want an audiobook made. There is some skill in creating audiobooks, but nothing that you couldn’t learn in a week or so. You will need tools, but many of them are free. Is it worth your time? That depends on a myriad of variables, but the answer is probably if you spend sufficient time honing your skillset. My wife thinks I should be doing this. I did read The Grapes of Wrath to my first wife when we went on a holiday before we were married. From memory, that was the last time I had her undivided attention for several hours each night. Regards, |