I was flying downhill and around the corner at around 46kph (28mph) and doing an excellent timed section when … … WTF are they doing there? Two pedestrians and two dogs taking up most of the track… …and in my way. No time to call a warning, just avoid them and then deal with the loss of the cornering line. Phew! I missed them. I frightened them, but that’s all. But now I’m no longer on the bitumen. Just off the edge in the gravel. Right leg hanging out the side to maintain balance with trees and bushes whipping past at 40+ kph. Finally, back on the track proper, and I didn’t go back to abuse them for being so bloody stupid. There wasn’t time to be scared. There was only time to avoid a spectacular crash. I ride the same track and distance every time I get on my bike. I have ridden this track three times a week for two years, so I know it pretty well, and I’m cautious on most of it. In future, I’ll be calling a warning every time I come down that hill because there is no way to see obstacles before you’re on them, as I now know. I’ve learned my lesson, and I hope they have too. Regards, P.S. With no attempt for any sort of segue, it’s straight into the offer. Life is full of learning moments. The best way to learn anything is to try it, make mistakes, adjust and try again. Learning from mistakes has brought you to the life you have now. Learning from other people’s mistakes is faster and safer than attempting to make all of them yourself. Quite apart from the fact that you don’t have time to make them all yourself. Short-cut the process, grab some training, work your way through it and grab the brass ring sooner. |