When the economy gets tough, many people look for ways to make or save money, You already know that prices are rising faster than wages and those in charge have no idea what’s happening in the real world where we live. However, because we have the Internet now, there are many ways to make extra income. You can make extra money by helping others learn how to make extra income. If that sounds a bit circular, consider this. You have been online for a while and have skills in writing emails, making videos, etc.; if you don’t have them yet, you know where to get them. You can help all the small businesses who need tech support or someone who can write an email newsletter for them, etc. They don’t have the time to do it and will happily pay someone to help them sell online and communicate with their customers. In addition, thousands of people are already searching for ways to make money online. That activity has snowballed since 2020 when they were shut down for weeks at a time. I believe that this activity will ramp up further as the economy tightens. It’s up to you and me to take up the challenge and help those people who desperately need it. You know those scamming gurus will take advantage of them but not help them at all. You will be providing value and something that will help them, you only have to beat out the scammers, and it’s your and my responsibility to do so. After all, it’s an ill wind, as they say. You have a little time before the SHTF, as the preppers say to take some action so you can talk from a position of knowledge rather than one of learning. Regards, Brent. P.S. You can grab the training in the No Cost Income Streams blueprints, https://go.wm-tips.com/full, choose the one you like the look of and get stuck in. You could have proof that what you’re doing works in weeks. Then you can write it up as a case study and sell it. If you ask nicely, I can set you up as an affiliate for the NCIS, and you can sell your case study with an upsell to the training you used. Helping people make ends meet is a satisfying thing to do. |