One that you can remember. Most of what you’ve been led to believe about passwords is wrong. This page explains why OK, if you’re back now this is how you can create a password that is unique for every site, is very difficult to hack, and that you can remember easily. Set a standard pattern for your passwords. Such as a symbol or two and a number set or a set with a number. Somewhere in your password you need to have a symbol, and number, a capital and a lowercase letter. For example:- .D0g. Then add the main URL of the website you’re logging into. For example:- .GMailD0g. or .D0g.GMail or .D0gGmail. Obviously you get to choose the symbol you want and the standard pattern for the remainder. It’s also better to have a longer password than a shorter one. One 14 character passwords I use is rated, on that page, as taking over 15 thousand centuries to crack using the biggest offline cracking array available. I like this system so much that I’ve been using it for everything for several years now, but I haven’t converted all my passwords to this system, which I need to do. One other thing, when the URL is two or more words, I use Camel Case for the password. Camel Case is a pattern that’s used in programming where you capitalise the first letter of each word. For example:- livecode = LiveCode, hatchwrite = HatchWrite. All of those little variations make it much harder to crack. Remember, you can’t guess part of a password, you have to guess all of it for it to work. Regards, P.S. Causing pain for hackers is something I enjoy because they’ve caused me plenty of pain over the last 25+ years I’ve been online. But avoiding, resolving, or eliminating pain is a massive motivating factor for most people. That’s why you should be pushing the pain button with every sales page you write and resolving or eliminating pain is what all your products should do. But you have to identify the pain points with every niche you want to work in. AI can find these for you and guide you in how best to market to those with the pain that you’re resolving. This is how: |