When you understand how people make their decisions, it becomes easier to ensure that you attract the people who will be interested in buying your product and repelling the ones who are not. Yes, that’s right. You need to repel the people for whom your product is not the right fit as much as you need to attract the ones who are. The goal of all your marketing is to have happy customers. It is not to make as much money as you can. I know that seems like a contradiction, but making happy customers will bring you more customers, and your income will be ever-increasing. There are three phases in the journey to becoming a happy customer. The first is their research. This is the phase they are in when you get yourself in front of them across media and multiple ways. The old saying that a customer needs to see your message an average of seven times before they buy comes from their behaviour during this phase. You are not necessarily putting them in front of a sales pitch every time. You’ll get better results when you pump out more general information with a link to the sales page. Talk about a single benefit in each publication, and rotate the benefits over time, but only one in each post, video, podcast, etc. As they do their research, you keep popping up in their feed and their search results. Now they explore your material and discover their reason for buying your product. That reason is essential. That will be the driver to a successful purchase. The reason will help keep them on track to getting a successful result with your product which is what you want. The third phase is the purchase and consumption or use of your product. When you’ve done your job properly, they will email you to thank you. Well, some of them will. Others will tell their friends and share their success. Now you know why I keep telling you to pump out content. It gives you links to your main pages for SEO purposes. It brings visitors to your sites. And it assists your prospects in becoming customers. Regards, P.S. Coming to a sales page near you soon is my new traffic funnel. In the meantime, you’ll need to get started on your email account and your landing pages and begin driving traffic to build the list. The best place to start that is here https://go.wm-tips.com/llhome. |