How can I create original content? Everything has already been done.How to write original content every time.OK, first up. Stop reading Google’s B.S. and that of their sycophants. Your original content is created the instant you write it because it’s in your voice, with your emotion and your phraseology. The subject matter may have been ‘done to death’, but your version is a new look at the same subject. Search Amazon for any subject in any niche, and you’ll find dozens of books, each of them different in some way but all of them on the same topic. I have a collection of books on radio communication antennas. Yes, I do know I’m a nerd, but the point I’m trying to make is that while I have around 20 books on the subject and have read them all several times, they are all different. I learnt something new from each of them, and when I wrote my book on the subject, it was different again. Each person writes on a subject slightly differently with slightly different insights. Someone reading one of these posts, books, emails, whatever, will gain a different perspective from each and one of these may provide the aha moment when they finally get what they’ve been seeking. What you write will be valuable to someone, and you may never know who or how. When you create a book, post or training module to the best of your ability, it can still be improved and will be through the feedback you get. Your readers will ask for clarification or explanations. Your answers improve the work. You can’t improve what you haven’t created. Regards, P.S. Today, I’m giving you a heads-up about a new A.I. product that I think will be in the ‘best of class’ group. How can I say that when I haven’t seen the product yet? YIVEWriter is a new product from Marcus Cudd, the creator of the YIVE group of products. I use some of the other products and know they are excellent, plus he and his team keep making them better based on feedback from the users. That feedback was the trigger for the creation of YIVEWriter. I think I can guarantee that whatever the product is like when it releases will not be where it stays as it will be improved almost weekly as the end-users, you and I, tell Marcus what’s required. YIVEWriter is available, but only in Pre-Beta form for a one-time price. When it moves into Beta, the price will go up dramatically. When it moves out of Beta, it will not be available for a one-time price, and it will be a subscription. So, for those of you who don’t have an A.I. tool they like yet, here is your chance to take a punt and lock one in at the best price it’s ever going to be. YIVEWriter is a stand-alone A.I. tool, which means you can use it for any content. |