This is seriously good and will have you raking in the cash. You will need some cash to start, but the ROI is insane. It works like this: You buy one or two Insurance write off exotic cars. These will be flood-damaged, not accident-damaged vehicles. You should get these pretty cheap because they don’t run. You do not repair them, but you do detail them to the max. You also buy a truck or trailer that you can use to move them around. You rent these cars out for 4 hours at a time for $1k to internet Influencers and those who would like to be. The trick is to deliver them to their driveway or other agreed location. They can make videos, take snapshots etc., for 4 hours. At the end of the allotted time, you pick up the car and move to the next customer. Any damage they do is paid for by them. No one can steal your car without a trailer of truck, so they’re pretty safe. If you have a few bombs as well for before and after shots that might drum up additional business. Personally, I’d get the business off the ground and then sell the whole lot as a going concern. What do you think? This isn’t for everyone because many people won’t have the capital required to get started, but if you do… One of my old bosses said that the best business to start was one that required a significant amount of seed capital because it weeded out most of the competition. Regards, P.S. The problem with most Internet businesses is that anyone can start with no capital. That’s also why so few people seem to make a living at it. Lazy people start because it’s easy, but they don’t keep going because they’re lazy. It’s not difficult to beat them in any niche. All you have to do is be consistent and keep going. You can watch the competition rise and fall like the ocean swell. When they rise, so do you, and when you’ve captured some of that new flood of customers in your email lists, you keep rising. The next swell pushes you higher again. Start here: |