Something I’m really good at when I’m reading, but not so much at any other time. Being easily distracted is good and bad. On the one hand, being easily distracted means you are far more likely to notice odd things going on around you. This is actually a survival skill. It pays to notice the movement of the bushes when a sabre-tooth tiger is stalking you. It may help you when in an unfamiliar situation to keep you on high alert. It definitely helps when I’m driving because I see far more things than my wife and can react to a potential problem before it happens. Not that you’re likely to be stalked by a sabre-tooth tiger anytime soon. It definitely doesn’t help when you’re searching for keywords to use to rank a page and you get distracted by an interesting YT video or three. I have to copy the share link for any interesting YT videos and paste them into the DuckDuckGo web browser for later viewing. The DDG browser suppresses all the additional videos that YT like to show you and blocks all the ads. You still get the row of videos across the bottom of the screen, but you don’t get the automatic playing of the next video. By doing this I sometimes don’t get to watch those videos for a day or so. It helps me focus on the job at hand. We’re off in the morning when you get this email. I have approximately 12 hours of driving ahead of me for the day, so you may not get an email the next day. That will depend on how tired I get. I don’t expect problems, but the weather forecast is for rain for most of the trip, so that should be fun. In the meantime, do yourself a favour and check this out. It’ll change the way you structure your offers and improve your conversions. You won’t even have to watch for sabre-tooth tigers. Regards, |