Betty (not Barbie), arrested for being too drunk to drive, called Ken for help. Ken had been her drinking companion, but he couldn’t drive her home because he failed the sobriety test when he staggered into the Police station. Why she called him the Police couldn’t work out because she had a restraining order against him. She was charged with DUI. He was charged with DUI and violating a restraining order. Who was the dumbest, Betty or Ken? Let’s hope they don’t already and never have kids. It never ceases to amaze me at the massive range of behaviours humans can exhibit. I understand that IQ is not an accurate measure of common sense, which I have always maintained is badly named. There is no evidence of it being common. The media, politicians, salespeople, and scammers all prey on that lack of common sense. They all understand that most people do not engage in deep thinking and are easily swayed by glib sound bites and feel-good statements. I think the tide is turning, though, and those who wish to mislead us will find it far more difficult in the future. In some ways, I don’t like the increasing levels of distrust that we all experience, but it has become more necessary as a small percentage of humans have preyed on our trust to steal from us. The methods they use are the same ones you can use to persuade people to buy things through your sales letters. As long as you’re providing value, it’s better that they buy your offering than get ripped off by a scammer. The method might be the same, but the outcome is very different for the buyer. You can learn how to honourably offer useful products to your visitors with these simple steps. Regards, |