I read a lot. I have ever since I discovered Robert Heinlein. There are always one or more things in them that are currently impossible. Faster-than-light travel is one that must be included or the stories just won’t work. If you can’t travel faster than light then you have to be able to use wormholes to get places faster. Then there are really smart AIs to run ships, countries, planets, civilisations, etc. Weapons are crucially important as is armour. Sometimes the armour will stop kinetic projectiles (bullets) but not lasers, and sometimes it’s the other way around. It all depends on whether the armour has a personal force field or not. Another essential tool is the use of nano-bots to promote rapid healing of injuries that don’t result in instant death. What amuses me in all of this, and more, is the complete disregard for physics and mathematics as we understand them today. The authors usually treat laser weapons as if they have enough mass to affect people or ships. Hollywood has a lot to answer for. Regards, P.S. It’d be nice to be able to use some of these things in our current lives. Especially the ones that can speed up the time it typically takes for new marketers to get to the money. I have found one, it’s a wormhole that can shorten the time to profit by two years or more. You’ll find more information here: https://llclickpro.com/wormhole/. |