Far too many people spend a excessive length of time building a website, or an app, launch it, and … crickets. Why? No links from sites with traffic. The SEO gurus will tell you that you need to grow links organically. Nope, that never works because none of the sites you would like links from know your site exists, and they’ll never find it until they find a link to it. You could try outreach to get links, or guest posts, but that’s a very slow process. The fastest way to get visitors to your sites is to siphon it off platforms that already have volumes of searchers using them. These are the usual suspects of FB, YT, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Much of the content that’s already on those sites is less than stellar so when you post something of better quality you’ll gain traction fast. This is a mistake I have made many times. Even if you write a book you’ll need to promote it somewhere because Amazon and other book platforms are swamped with new books daily. With any of these sites you’ll need to grow an audience, but it’s faster there because there are active searches being made. All you need to do is target low-competition keywords, wrap your content around those and be happy that there are “only 10 searches a month” for them. That’s what keeps the competition out. But 100 posts on keywords with 10 searches a month is 1,000 visitors a month. Is that more than you get now? Did you know that most of those keywords actually have more than 10 searches a month? This tool, Insight Analyser, makes those discoveries and the content easy and fast. Powerful, 100 posts at 5 a day takes 20 days. Regards, |