The world isn’t going to give you a prize for showing up. Unless you count “eventual surprise death” as a prize. The world actually doesn’t reward anything to anyone. Life isn’t a game of that sort, where if you play long enough, you earn levels, skills, and rewards just by surviving. But the world is loaded with opportunities for literally anything you could want that exists right now – and even more amazing, it offers anything you can create that doesn’t exist yet. But you have to go forth and get it. And it’s never easy. If it were easy, it wouldn’t be worth much. That’s why most laidback hippies are broke and leach on society. They do the easy things and get the easy rewards which barely amount to a hill of beans. Those of us who went for the 40-40-40 plan didn’t fare as well as we should have. It was far better than the hippie plan, but working 40 hours per week for 40 years to retire on 40% of your income isn’t such a great plan either. It’s much better to be one who strikes out and creates their reality by grabbing an opportunity. You may not succeed with the first attempt, but you will learn how to grab the next one better. With the Internet, you don’t have to leave the 40-40-40 plan until you have replaced your income, making your efforts risk-free. All you need is an hour or two per day to do the steps that will get you to your desired goal. When you’re ready to step up, there is a path for you in the P.S. Regards, P.S. One of the best ways to lock in a reliable income when you are an affiliate is to market subscription products. With these models, you make the sale once and get paid every time the customer renews their account. That could mean monthly, six monthly or annually, but you’ll get paid for as long as they remain a customer of the product you suggested. Typical products are autoresponders, web hosting, domain names, etc. To learn more about how you can take advantage of this little goldmine, check out: |