Your business blog is not for photographs of that steak you cooked to perfection on the BBQ, or your holiday snaps. You can do that but those blogs don’t make any money. No, if you want to make bank with it you need to be targeting a micro-niche in a very focused way. What you target are those low-competition keywords that Google tells you people search for in a big profitable market. You’ll also need to keep your eye on the ball and maintain some consistency in your posting. At least weekly for the first few months, but probably multiple times a week in the initial stages then you can taper back. You can use AI for this, see this unedited page about blogging written with Claude, The keywords that triggered the prompt for this was “Profitable blogging in 2025”. It’s not the best written blog post, but you could post one of those every hour if you chose. You shouldn’t because that would detract from what you’re trying to do, but with the help of AI and Insight Analyser you can find profitable high-traffic low-competition keywords for blog posts. The beauty of using Insight Analyser is that it will show you how the keyword pages should be linked on your site for maximum effect as shown by Google. There is no need to overthink this, it’s about as simple as you can get. You could do this with a series of Blogger blogs that link to each other if you wanted to do this for free or you could do the same on the Google sites platform. Can you guess the hard part of doing this? It’s doing it until you get traffic. How fast could you get traffic to these pages? Well, if you paid attention to my last two emails you could be getting traffic to your pages inside a week. Regards, |