It used to be that all the gurus were talking about outsourcing. The problem with that was that most of their subscribers weren’t making enough money to pay outsourcers. Some subscribers were making enough to pay for an outsourcing experiment, but struggled to find good people to do the work. All in all, for most people, outsourcing was more of a nightmare than a profitable activity. Today, with AI tools, outsourcing is pretty much redundant for getting content. What you need now is to reduce your workload by automating as much of your business as you can. You can’t just leap into automating everything because you need to know exactly which bits can be automated and which cannot. Mostly, automating the administration work is a good thing. Automating product creation not so much. You’ll still need to stay on top of the quality of anything you produce because that’s a reflection on you. Automating the distribution of your content is helpful as that can be time-consuming and boring. Automating keyword research is great for getting a big list of keywords, but you’ll still have to filter through them to find the ones you want to target. This tool helps with the keyword research. It helps with the distribution of content. It helps with content creation. All the final decisions are yours as is any editing you wish to do. But it can really change the way you work and transform your effectiveness. Regards, |