In another forum, this was discussed at some length.
There are good arguments on both sides.
Some people suggested that getting all the content at once gave the students certainty on what they were getting.
Others said that some students like to work at their own pace, which the whole content allows, rather than at a rate determined by the creator of the content.
Both are good arguments, but the killer is this one.
Sometimes the entire course at once would be overwhelming, and the student won’t ever complete it.
That defeats the purpose of the course.
Drip-feeding the content helps prevent overwhelm.
When you started school, they didn’t give you all the content for the next 12+ years, did they?
No, they drip-fed you the content day by day, week by week and year by year so you could understand and build on what you learned.
The controlled release of information is a tried and tested way to build knowledge.
What do you think?
Let me know by replying or commenting.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. Some of the training I share with you is dripped, and some are complete access.
It depends on how you get to use the content, which is the best way and I or the other creators determine that.
If it is in your best interests to take some action before you get the next step, then drip-feeding is the ideal way to give you the time to take that action.
The other helpful part of drip-feeding content is that you’ll get a regular email to inform you of the next step is available.
That’s a handy reminder and a motivating factor to complete the course.
In my latest course, “Start Making Money Online for Free”,, the content is emailed to you every day for eight days.
Each module should only take you a few minutes to read or view, but you can take as long as you like for the homework.
This is the extra training for the Starting online for free membership which you’ll find here. For subscribers your link to get this at no cost is below…
What do you really want from reading these emails?
What are you looking for?
Do you want to learn something?
Do you want to achieve a goal?
What is that goal?
See, I think that the first step to accomplishing your goals is…
…figuring out what they are.
Because once you figure out what you want, you can create a schedule to get there.
Once you know what you want, you can get the training to do it, then figure out how long it will take, break it into monthly and then daily steps, then each day you know what you need to do to accomplish your goals.
Each day you should know exactly what you need to do next to achieve your goals.
If you don’t know what to do next – you gotta find training on what to do.
If you know what to do, then just do it.
It’s that easy either you don’t know – and your focus should be finding out.
Or you do know – and your focus should be doing it.
P.S. When you are looking for the training to build your business, but you don’t have the money to pay for all the tools you are told you “have to have,” you’ll find that my latest course nails it.
This eight-day course helps you work out how to do everything you need to make money online, but only using free tools.
Often they are tools you already have, which makes it even easier.
You only need to find out how to use them to your advantage.
This is the extra training for the Starting online for free membership which you’ll find here. For subscribers your link to get this at no cost is below…
Paid subscribers get access to the training as part of their membership and all the other products in the members area.
If you happen to be blindingly fast, you may still be able to subscribe for the lowest price it will ever be, but you may also find that the price has gone up by the time you read this.
Good luck.
P.S. There is little more to say now.
I have been working on that course for about a week, and now I will begin the next product.
This one will be the fully customisable lead magnets.
It happened in my High School years, so over 45 years ago, and I still feel the pain and embarrassment when I think about what happened.
All I will say is that I failed to prepare at all and failed miserably.
The only good thing about it was that I now prepare for everything, possibly overcompensate, but I refuse to go through that again.
This is why I prepared solidly to reach a recent goal.
The goal was to ride 100 km (60 miles) in a single day.
My previous best was 81 km (50 miles), and I hadn’t prepared for that.
It kind of just happened.
This time though, I was prepared.
I carried glucose tablets and snack bars to ensure I didn’t run out of energy.
I planned the route and how I would manage my energy output.
I even had the bicycle serviced so it wouldn’t let me down.
The ride went as perfectly as it could have, and I averaged just under 23 kph (14 mph) for the whole trip, which was much faster than I was expecting.
I should point out that this was not over flat country.
There are some ups and downs to contend with.
I was pleased with the whole exercise.
What does this mean for you?
Only that you and I need to remember the five Ps.
Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.
P.S. The training that I mentioned last week is still not in good enough shape to share with you but is well on the way.
I’m planning to sell access for around $7 and add it into the members’ area of Substack as free for subscribers, but that may change, and I deliver it for free for anyone.
I’m happy with the results so far and only need to add the modules to the delivery pages.
One of the tools I mention in the training is Canva.
If you don’t have an account here yet, why not?
It’s free and potent in ways you cannot imagine until you explore it.
I had another one of these errors recently with one of my autoresponders.
I had just updated the O.S. for my computer, which requires a re-boot.
That shouldn’t trigger a “we don’t recognise you” error, but it did.
I was so frustrated by this that I emailed support with this message:-
Why is this device “unrecognised”?
It’s the same computer, same browser and same location that I’ve been using daily for the last several months.
If the I.P. address changes, that doesn’t mean it’s a different machine or even location.
I’m linked into an ISP, like probably 99% of the Internet users, and the I.P. address could change daily.
My computer did an operating system update last night, but it’s still the same computer.
If you genuinely want to prevent attacks, you need to work out some way of checking the user’s computer that doesn’t rely on things that will change on a regular basis.
Otherwise, you are just annoying people for no benefit.
In their reply was this statement:-
I see you have a concern regarding your login. I have to agree with you, and I also checked your recent login, and it was coming from the exact Device/Location.
So, something else triggered the error, as I suspected.
I feel that my frustrations with this sort of login error are now vindicated by at least one company, and I suspect it’s the same with all the others.
In the future, I may email the relevant company every time I get this error, but I suspect that most of them will ignore me because they don’t give a flying…
P.S. Have you picked up the Write a Book in 24 Hours training yet?
You’llbenefit in more ways than writing a book because you’ll learn how to research fast, pick the eyes out of your research, and how best to layout your book.
These skills can be translated into writing excellent blog posts and structuring your websites for maximum benefit to you and your visitors.
It’s true, though, multiple small web properties generating small daily profits can be a satisfying way to build reliable income streams.
In the same way, multiple small books on Amazon can also generate multiple income streams.
Is it better to go for the one big hit or many small strikes?
Multiple small strikes are probably more manageable and less risky if you are risk-averse.
Will you make more money with Amazon or your websites?
I don’t know, try a combination and find out.
Then write a report on that and sell the information.
P.S. Building a multi-page website is nearly the same as writing a book.
Let’s assume that there are 20 pages on your website with 800 words per page.
That’s a total of 16,000 words.
OK, I said in a previous email that you could build your website with articles from article directories, and you can.
Sixteen thousand words are more than enough to write a book.
You can still use those articles as content ideas, but it works better if you re-write them as described… sorry, I haven’t given you access to the easy re-write method yet, have I.
That course will be available next week because it’s not completed yet.
In the meantime, you might like to explore this excellent way to write a book in 24 hours from scratch.