Why do they bother to give contact details when they clearly have no intention of responding?
This time I’m talking about the Bricks and Mortar companies that deal in the 3D world.
I need to replace some clearance lights on the caravan, don’t ask why.
The original lams are no longer available because the van is 21 years old.
Who knew they’d stop making things that work fine.
I found some lights on a large company’s website but couldn’t find the same items in any caravan or automotive outlets yet.
The online details are sketchy, to say the least, which wouldn’t be a problem if they’re being installed on a new vehicle, but are not suitable for fitting as a replacement.
Simple things like how are they wired up or what does the inside of the assembly look like.
So I emailed the Australian head office to ask for some additional details.
That was over a week ago, and I have had no response, not even an automated response to say they got my email.
Now I’ll have to ring them and wait for a while telling me that my call is important to them, and they’ll still have to email me their response.
Customer service is slipping badly in this country.
What’s it like in yours?
Regards, Brent.
P.S. I’ve been talking about embracing your flaws to free your creative self for the last couple of days.
Apparently, I managed to demonstrate my flaws at the same time.
I failed to set up delivery of the free report correctly, so those requesting it didn’t get it delivered.
I have corrected that and have delivered the report to you.
It’s the skill of making connections, finding analogies and metaphors, and putting information across in a new and interesting way.
But it doesn’t have to be a completely unique from-scratch thing no one has ever seen before.
It just has to be fresh, and you can get fresh by combining, interpreting, and reframing existing stuff in a new way.
And you get good at it if you practice.
There are exercises and everything to help you get better at it.
Almost no one knows this.
Most people think creativity is a talent.
You’re either born that way, or you’re not – is the mistaken assumption of the uncreative masses.
So just a bit of dedicated practice – a small amount of effort – and the people around you will begin to think of you as a genius.
They will maybe even call you one.
Brilliant is a word people will apply to you with regularity.
But listen – here is the best part.
Because everyone believes creativity is an inborn talent, because they feel their own creativity is fickle and fleeting or otherwise nonexistent – you don’t have to hit a home run every time.
If you search for Claude Monet’s Japanese Footbridge and waterlilies paintings, you’ll see that he painted the same scenes repeatedly.
They are different partly because he suffered a mental illness that changed his perspective.
X-Rays and other scanning methods have revealed paintings, drawings, and notes under some of the most famous works of art.
This shows that the people we think of as the most creative also stopped, changed, or recreated their work.
One sculptor even smashed his work once completed because he didn’t think it was good enough.
Being creative is a matter of practice.
Sure, some initial innate skill might be needed, but if you’ve ever watched kids at play, you’ll see that they are all naturally inventive and creative.
So were you at the same age.
That skill is still inside you, just waiting to be released.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. The problem that most of us have is that we want to create the perfect blog post, the perfect book, the perfect video, or even the perfect email.
When what we produce doesn’t turn out to reach that level of perfection, we quit.
We say, “I’m not good enough”, or “I can’t do it”.
Guess what?
You don’t have to produce the perfect anything.
What you do have to do is embrace the imperfections and do the best you can each time.
The more to do, the better you’ll get.
It will never be perfect, and that’s OK.
When a bell is cast, there is always an imperfection in the writing or image because the makers know there will always be something imperfect.
They want to ensure that they control where the imperfection is.
When you learn to embrace your imperfections, you are freed up to produce your best work and share it.
Unless you’re skilled in researching people online, it’s almost impossible to be sure that the person you’re dealing with is using their real name, photo, or other personal data.
We all take that on trust because there is no other way to operate.
Because of that inherent trust, you and I will get ripped off by the tiny percentage of dishonest people online.
The effort and cost to prevent that is more than it is likely to save you.
Plus, the karma you generate by trusting everybody usually pays off with better conversions anyway.
Ignore the crooks.
Look after the real people, and your business will grow.
There is one simple way to drastically reduce the possibility of being ripped off though.
That way is to be yourself.
Let your personality shine through.
Talk about how you did something or how you do things.
Talk about what you did, what went wrong and how you fixed it.
Because you are unique, it becomes extremely difficult to steal your content because most of it would have to be rewritten.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. I still have one coaching spot available at the moment.
It probably won’t last long, so fast action-takers will get it.
As I said in the last email, coaching is via email only.
I was asked why and the main reason is due to time zones.
I’m 9 1/2 hours ahead of GMT.
When you’re at your most active, I’m asleep, and I don’t plan to change that.
Email works best. Plus, you get a written record of all discussions for future reference.
Reply to this email with any questions, and I’ll take it from there.
That seemed to be a consistent comment in my school reports from when I started until I finished.
Clearly, the teachers thought I had more aptitude than I displayed.
But what if they were wrong?
What if I was reaching my potential in every class and every subject?
I don’t know if I was because I don’t remember thinking too hard about whether I could do better.
I suspect I coasted along and managed to get passing grades without much work or effort.
I managed to keep that attitude and ‘work ethic’ up for many years, but there comes a time when that is no longer good enough for some.
Until that spark of desire to do more hits you, there is no incentive to make the changes required.
You will have to make changes when you want to change your circumstances.
You are where you are because of your choices, environment, and opportunities.
Some people will try to tell you that where you are is all your fault.
That is usually spouted by ignorant people who caught a lucky break and choose to fool themselves into thinking it was all their doing.
They’ll tell you that you create your own reality.
I say that’s B.S.
Do you think that the people in Ukraine created that reality?
If they all sit around and have a group think about Putin backing down, withdrawing his troops and beginning a massive restructuring campaign, will have any effect?
Of course it won’t.
Fortunately, most of you are not in such dire straits that you can’t affect your reality, but you have to decide why you want that change and what you are prepared to do about it.
Can you do better?
Almost certainly.
Will you do better?
I don’t know, will you?
Regards, Brent.
P.S. I have a couple of coaching slots opening up.
I do coaching via email for a tiny group, usually less than 5.
Those in the coaching get to ask me any questions relating to business roadblocks but are limited to no more than three emails a week for a month.
I can help them clear those blockages 99% of the time.
If I can’t help and I can’t find someone who can help you get a 100% refund.
I don’t do this often because it takes up time that I would rather use doing less, but I also want to help you hit your targets.
If you need help, reply to this email to start the dialogue.
I’ll tell you if I can help and what it might cost.
The fastest way to get a product of your own online for sale is not to create it.
It’s true, seriously.
You probably already have that potential new product on your hard drive right now.
But, you may not know what to do with it for it to become a new income stream for you.
If you don’t have anything yet, I’ll tell you where you can get one in a moment.
First, let’s talk briefly about why you want a product of your own to sell or give away.
When you have a product with a sales page, you have a different appearance to any visitor you may get.
You are a product creator, not just an affiliate selling other people’s products for a commission.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
A product for sale can be used as a bonus for an affiliate sale.
It has a real perceived value, whatever price you have on the sales page.
No one needs to know if you’ve sold any or not because it has a real-world value.
You can give it away as a bonus or an incentive to join your email list.
Always link out to the sales page to show the value they’re getting.
OK, what potential product do you have that you can use?
The answer is, of course, PLR or White Label products.
PLR means that you can edit the product, change the graphics, change the sales page, put your name on it as the author, edit it completely, combine it with another PLR product etc.
At the very least, you should change the graphics and name of the product.
If that takes 24 hours to put together, I’d be astonished, but if your graphic ability is challenged, you can use someone on Fiverr or Fourerr to make one for you and have it back in a couple of days.
Grab a free account at Systeme.io, https://go.wm-tips.com/systeme, to set up your funnel, autoresponder and payment system.
What if you have no PLR or White Label products on your hard drive?
You could look back over my previous emails to find a link to 27 PLR products you can use, or you can go here https://go.wm-tips.com/rrweekly to see a massive collection of PLR in dozens of niches.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. I know, you already have more links in this email than in my last four emails combined, but I didn’t see any point in telling you how to do something without giving you the means to get it done.
However, I have one more link for you.
Stop groaning. You need this if you haven’t tried to market PLR products before today.
This is how one of the masters of selling PLR does it, and he also happens to be a creator of PLR, so he fully understands what you need to do to dust off that Alladins Lamp of PLR and let the Genie out to bring you the rewards of a job well done.
I know we all think of ourselves as individuals and unique.
And you are, but we all share much in common.
We all want love and appreciation.
We all want good health.
We all want financial stability.
We all want a comfortable and dry place to live.
We all want a sense of peace and safety in our lives.
We all want our family and friends also to have these things.
How we define those things varies greatly, as will our expectations of achieving them.
That doesn’t change the fact that we all want those things.
Can you see how our desires are where the big markets are?
Why do you think that might be?
The promises that a sales letter imparts target these desires, usually only one of them per letter, but some of them hit several of these desires in a single long sales letter.
How do you target one of these desires?
You can talk about the pain of not having the love and appreciation of your partner because what you are trying to do isn’t working.
You agitate by adding to the fear that they may begin to despise you or become angry with you for wasting money on those stupid schemes.
Then you tell them there is a solution to restore that love and affection.
To have them show you the appreciation you deserve.
All they have to do is buy your product, follow the simple steps, and all their dreams can come true.
That process is called PAS, Pain, Agitate, Solution and is one of the basic sales letter templates.
Have fun with that.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. PAS is just one of the built-in templates in Frase.
You give Frase the niche keywords, select the PAS template and let the A.I. go to work.
You get to edit and fine-tune it, but the hard part, the layout and ideas, is done for you.
I have the Pro account, meaning I don’t have to view ads to get visitors, but I started with the free account and got sign-ups from that activity as well.
Some of you getting this email joined through LeadsLeap, hi and thank you.
The rest of you can follow the link above and learn more about how this works.
It’s easy as falling off a log unless you’re a lumberjack.
Since the weather was turning nasty in the region we were in, the decision was made last night to travel all the way home today – 396 km.
The trip was easy, although we did get caught out at the Fruit Fly quarantine station.
Because we were travelling from Victoria into the South Australian fruit-growing region, specific fruits and vegetables are prohibited from crossing the border.
The biosecurity risk of carrying fruit fly into the region would seriously impact their markets.
There are plenty of signs and a dumping station before you get to the checkpoint, but we forgot about the remains of a small punnet of cherry tomatoes in the refrigerator.
There may be a fine imposed on us for that. It will depend on the assessors when they read the report.
Bugga. The fine could be up to $300. That would make those tomatoes some of the most expensive we’ve ever had, and they were confiscated.
Some mistakes cost more than others.
It’s still nice to be home again.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. A more expensive mistake I made was not starting an email list when I first came online.
Then people would throw their email addresses at you for anything you offered them.
Not so much now though.
The prominent email marketers you see and read about started back then and have email lists numbering in the tens or hundreds of thousands and make big bucks with their email campaigns.
While it’s still possible to build a list like that now, it will take a concerted effort and some serious money to get there.
Fortunately a list of that size isn’t required to make a good living today.
All you need is an engaged list of 1,000 people to do very nicely thank you.
If you were to buy the traffic to build that list, it would cost approximately $600 – $1,200 based on a 25% – 50% sign-up rate.
A cheap investment considering that you could return that investment 100-fold over the first year and then the same for the following years, provided you keep emailing.
There will be unsubscribes, so you need to keep adding new subscribers, which becomes a minor daily or weekly task.