You have probably been told repeatedly that you must have a great subject line to get your emails opened.
I have just been part of and seen a significant test on this subject.
The writer attempted a split test with a good subject line and the worst one he could create.
The result?
The worst one won.
But the email list they were sent to is highly engaged with this writer, so I suspect, as he does, that any subject line will still get his emails opened.
It would be the same with titles on blog posts, your books, reports, and videos.
Those who are fans of yours will open, read, or watch almost anything you produce.
They’ll probably forgive anything less than stellar occasionally, but you will lose them if you take them for granted or produce rubbish regularly.
However, the same cannot be said for cold traffic.
Those people who do not know you and don’t have that special relationship with you yet.
For those, you will need a great subject line, title, etc.
Because you have to get them to read your content at least once.
Only by testing will you discover what works for your target market.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. Study the emails you get from the purveyors of crap.
They know how to write a subject line that gets you to open the email.
The body of the email is designed to get you to their sales page.
Each step is carefully crafted.
Open, read, click, persuade, click, buy, upsells and downsells for pages.
They may be ethically challenged, but theydo know how to push your buttons to get you to buy something.
You can get revenge on them by writing about their lack of ethics and morals, and you can make a good living for yourself at the same time.
My definition of P.C. is Political Censorship, and Woke is worse.
However, I have often wondered about the point of many of the Braille signs I see.
That is, of course, the point.
I can see there’s Braille added to the signage, but if you happen to be visually impaired to the level where you need Braille, how do you know where to find the sign?
It makes sense in lifts and other places people need to navigate but in a public toilet?
Do you have to run your finger over every surface to be able to find the instructions for the various unclean devices to be found there?
What about the Braille signs over some doorways?
Braille added to descriptions in museums, libraries, zoos, aquariums, etc. seem particularly pointless.
It must be much more helpful if these signs were always in a consistent location in those areas where the visually impaired folk are more likely to need them.
They would at least have some idea of where to feel for them.
You can apply the same logic to your emails.
Tag your subscribers by interest and only email specific items to the interest group.
You’re less likely to bore the others.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. When you want to make money online, there are a few skills you’ll need to develop.
It’s OK, they’re not difficult, and you can always outsource the techy stuff if necessary.
The reality is that there are only two things you need to concentrate on.
The first is getting traffic to your offers, and the second is converting those visitors to income.
When you build a blog, as Britt teaches, you’ll get traffic from the search engines (read Google) because you’ll use the product’s name in your posts, and people will search for that name.
Using your affiliate link in and after your product review is always better than sending visitors directly to the sales page.
The odds of making a sale are much improved that way.
Using Britt’s method and template also keeps your posts consistent, which your visitors will appreciate, and ensures you don’t leave something out.
Plus, you’ll be talking about your experience with the product, not some made-up B.S. that most of the product review sites churn out.
All those Shiny Objects they flog with their manipulative sales letters that are professionally crafted to hit all your most responsive emotions.
They think you’re a dumb-ass chimpanzee with a credit card and no limit.
They know you’ll buy today’s super dooper special one-click cash machine and won’t use it.
They know you won’t read all the PDFs or watch all the videos.
And they know you won’t try anything, so you’ll never know that it stopped working two years ago.
They also know that all they have to do for next weeks super dooper special one-click wonder is change the name and graphics of last weeks super dooper one-click special offer, and you’ll rebuy it.
If you’re feeling scammed, you’re right.
Along with hundreds of other innocents who are desperate to make money online.
You can get revenge on these bastard thieves.
You can make a great living by calling them out.
See the P.S. for the way forward.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. My friend Britt has put together a module to guide you to a successful blogging career by calling out the Shiny Objects and their promoters.
Britt is a successful online marketer and writer who has been doing this for decades.
She knows what she’s talking about and can explain it in simple terms.
James looked like the busiest and most important person in the mill.
He always had a clipboard and made notes as he hurried everywhere.
James was right there as new installations happened.
He was right there when deliveries arrived.
He was right there when new loads were shipped out.
It took three years before someone figured out that he didn’t do anything.
His original manager had retired, but no one had picked up the role, and James was left adrift.
Concerned for his job, he decided that the best way to hide was to be obvious and everywhere.
Looking busy doesn’t mean you’re being effective.
We can all fool ourselves that we are working on our businesses with all our busy work, but if that work isn’t bringing in new subscribers or making sales, then it’s a waste of your time.
Your tip for the day is to audit your work over a few days to determine if you are working effectively.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. Part of your audit should be on the tools you are using.
Not all tools help you be more effective or efficient.
Some of you are using old-school tools that you have had for years.
If they still do the job for you, that’s excellent, but some are causing roadblocks and slowing you down.
For an efficient business, you need to be able to build sales funnels, take payments, deliver products, and communicate with your prospects and customers.
Most of us still use three or more different tools to do this.
They rely on being able to integrate together for your sales to be silky smooth, but any one of them can break and screw up your entire system.
You may not notice for days, and you rely on someone else to fix it.
After extensive testing of multiple platforms and systems, I have found only one that delivers.
Only one has easy page builders, a built-in autoresponder, and a payment system.
You can host your documents, videos and audio for delivery to your customers.
No matter what type of business you want, this platform can deliver, and you can recruit and manage affiliates easily.
“Without promotion, something terrible happens… nothing!” – P. T. Barnum, Born Jul. 5, 1810.
One of the most significant differences between those who make money online and those who don’t is how much promotion they do.
If you genuinely believe that the product you are promoting is the answer to your prospect’s problem, it is your responsibility to promote it as hard as possible.
If you don’t genuinely believe that it is, why are you promoting it at all?
You must promote good products enthusiastically and hard because if you don’t, the scammers will.
Why do you think spam emails constantly fill your inbox?
That hard, relentless promotion works.
It’s the same with the constant barrage of junk offers that also hit your inbox.
So don’t let strangers suffer from problems you know you can solve!
They are out there, suffering in silence and desperation.
They are living with their problems, or even worse.
They are pitched hard by some shitty scam artist who isn’t afraid to go fishing for dollars.
They are getting victimized, and you are letting it happen!
You owe it to those people to beat the scammers at their own game.
Promote heavily across multiple platforms.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. I just received an email promoting a service to get web pages indexed, for which they wanted payment of $500.
If you grab a free trial of Convertri from here and email me your proof of purchase, I’ll give you the code to load that funnel into your account.
I’ll also give you the white-label rights to that funnel so you can change anything, including the price.
Poets, novelists, scriptwriters, etc., all turn bad stuff into great poems, books and movies.
You can do the same with your emails.
Not only can you turn the crap into gold, but you can ramp it up to make it even crappier before you turn it into gold.
This is story-telling at its finest.
Humans are genetically wired to pay attention to stories.
Stories have been central to human development since we began painting on cave walls.
Paintings superseded speech.
When we developed speech, we combined paintings with stories about the images.
As civilisation developed, the stories became the central part, and the images enhanced the stories.
Now people can visualise the story without pictures, but sometimes we still use actual images rather than visualised ones.
This is why we enhance the story with stronger verbs and ramp up the emotion.
It helps the reader visualise what you are trying to share.
It’s not lying.
It’s embellishment to make the story live.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. I said in the last email that I would have the offer of White Label for my products available for you today, but (you knew I was going to say that) it’s not ready.
It was my wife’s birthday today, and we have been doing birthday things all day.
What you will need for this to work is a Convertri account.
You probably don’t give a rats if you’re driving traffic to your web pages via Solo ads or another paid traffic source.
But, if you want to get some of the free traffic that search engines can deliver, you might want to get your pages indexed as quickly as possible.
I was in a discussion in a Facebook group regarding getting some web pages indexed.
The discussion was initiated because the person asking the question had 100 links to their main site on web pages that hadn’t been indexed.
That meant that those links were not doing anything for them.
Indexing doesn’t mean ranking.
It means that the Google or Bing bots have found the page and also the pages the links go to.
If the bots don’t find you, then you cannot get indexed or ranked, and with no links to your pages, they cannot find you.
So indexing is an essential first step.
My experience with the Google Webmaster Tools suggests that indexing is not guaranteed when you use them, but the methods I shared work and work very fast.
Pages get indexed in seconds sometimes, minutes often and rarely take more than an hour or two.
After that discussion, I decided that there must be others who need the same information.