You probably have heard about disruptive technology and businesses.
Things like Airbnb, Uber, Doordash, AfterPay, Bitcoin, and all the other clever things people are doing to get around traditional business rules.
Many of these are facing huge issues with regulation because they’ve skirted the rules but gone a bit too close and fallen into the orbit of being traditional businesses.
The same jostling for position happens online as well.
GrooveFunnels is trying to take a slice out of the ClickFunnels market.
Every new email platform thinks they do things a little better.
eBay is trying to grab a bit more of the business from Amazon.
Facebook is muscling in on TikTok, as is YouTube.
So it won’t come as a big surprise to find out that someone has taken a swipe at Etsy.
Especially because Etsy has been getting greedier since a bigger company has taken them over.
It used to be an excellent space for creators to sell their creations, but now Etsy makes more money from each sale than the creators do.
That’s ridiculous and has to stop.
It won’t stop, of course, because they are now too big for it to all fall over in a hurry, but there is now an alternative.
This new platform was launched on Monday.
I heard about it today and signed up immediately so I can move my store across.
There is an outstanding launch promotion, so if you or a friend have a store or would like one, you must check this out.
If Etsy’s fees have kept you from having a store for digital or physical products, your excuses have been removed.
When I was an office equipment technician and salesperson, I always told customers that they were better off having separate units for their offices.
I didn’t like the all-in-one units that were coming on the market.
My logic was that if your printer component failed, your incoming faxes and copier were also out of action.
If the scanner failed, your outgoing faxes and copier were out of action as well.
When you had three discreet units, one failing didn’t shut down the office or severely cripple it.
I feel the same about having a single company managing your hosting and domain name.
Any issues with one shuts down the other, and they’ll often hold you to ransom if you want to move your hosting or domain name registrar.
I was recently in talks with a person who has their domain name registered with Shopify.
They want to add a subdomain that points to a different host, but the Shopify people won’t allow that.
He can point it to another Shopify store or page but not another site.
He can’t even relocate his autoresponder service to any but a limited number of platforms.
No doubt they get a commission on his autoresponder fees in addition to the renewals for the domain name.
You never know when you might need to relocate any or all of your web assets, so you must retain control.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. The other thing you must retain control of is your links.
Whenever you put a link in a PDF, blog post, email, video comment, audio comment, or any other place you can put a link, you must have it set as a tracking link.
It doesn’t matter if you use the tracking data, but without that redirect, the link can go belly-up, and you cannot change where it goes.
The simplest method is a Javascript redirect, there’s no tracking with this, but it’s so simple a Google search will give you all the information you need.
The free Pretty Links plugin works great if you have a WordPress site and gives you a simple click count.
You could use or one of the other link shorteners, but their tracking isn’t much better than Pretty Links.
You’ll get much better results with ClickerVolt,, a WordPress plugin with excellent tracking for a free tool.
The best is ClickMagic,, it is a paid service, but the data you can get and the tool’s flexibility is amazing.
It’s been a day of rolling mild chaos but great fun.
They were playing in a wooden firetruck when the oldest shouted, “My wrinkles are on fire!“
Apparently, I misheard her, and I still don’t know what she said, but I thought it could be a breakthrough in beauty treatment.
There are many instances of people mishearing things, particularly song lyrics, that make them more interesting than the originals.
One that has 70 million searches for the wrong lyric is “Take my horse to the old town road”, which is searched for as “Take my horse to a hotel room.”
It seems to be something the hoteliers would disapprove of.
Another that seems far safer is the line “I never stray too far from the sidewalk”, which sounds like “I never stray too far from the salad bowl.”
Queen sang, “Kicking your can all over the place”, but some people heard “kicking your cat all over the place”.
Not cool for cats, I suppose.
You can search for these yourself and find a bunch that will make you scratch your head in wonder.
You will have your thoughts about how this happens, but I suspect it’s a combination of the voice being a bit lost in the music, the singer’s accent, and the way the lyrics are pronounced to fit the music.
Mishearing things causes misunderstandings and can lead to far more issues than just humour.
That’s why it’s vital to improve your writing skills so you can present your posts, emails, etc., clearly to your readers.
One of the regular advertisements on the T.V. at the moment during the Tour de France telecast is paid for by Responsible Wagering Australia.
It also happens to be the catch cry of any ad from any gambling company ads.
I find this amusing because the R.W.A. is the group owned by all the gambling organisations, including the lotteries commission.
Of course, this means that the companies who want you to give them money tell you to ‘gamble responsibly’, which is like the fast-food companies telling you to eat healthily.
This is a fine example of virtue signalling.
They want us to think that they are looking after us when the reality is that if they were really looking after us, they would close their businesses down.
That’s never going to happen, and they will happily take every cent you have while telling you to ‘gamble responsibly’.
I’m not a gambler.
I don’t like the odds or the potential for losing everything in a wager.
I will happily invest in products and tools that I think will help me with my online business.
That’s not a gamble because it becomes my responsibility to make them work for me.
I have control, not some other person with who knows what motivations.
What are your thoughts?
Regards, Brent.
P.S. In yesterday’s email, I gave you a link to free training to make money without selling.
I’ll give you the same link today, but it will be for the last time.
There will be no further access to this without buying a product where this is a bonus.
Click the link today or miss out on getting it for free.
Sometimes you discover fascinating things through reading a range of books.
I’ve recently completed reading Derren Brown’s book Tricks of the Mind.
He talks about the difference between a magician, a mentalist, a psychic and a confidence trickster.
There isn’t much difference in their techniques, but their intent is the big difference.
He doesn’t talk about it, but the techniques used by master salespeople and copywriters are almost the same.
A magician is an entertainer and delights in creating astonishment.
Some mentalists behave the same way, but other mentalists and psychics cheerfully lie to you in exchange for money.
The con person wants to persuade you to hand over your money cheerfully and has no intention of giving you any value in exchange.
Master salespeople and copywriters are attempting to persuade you to purchase their product or service, which hopefully has value to you exceeding the cost.
This book really has everything you need to persuade and influence — and from somebody who is both a serious student and a serious practitioner of all this voodoo.
Except it’s such a powerful book that perhaps you shouldn’t.
Don’t buy a copy of Derren Brown’s book.
And if you do, don’t read it.
And if you do glimpse a page of it by accident, then make sure you never actually apply any of the ideas or techniques it talks about.
P.S. If the thought of having to write sales pages leaves you cold and you don’t have the resources to pay copywriters thousands to get a first-class sales page written for you, this is for you.
Most of them are good ones that can be profitable.
But, most people don’t achieve anything with those ideas.
It’s not only because they don’t take enough or any action, but it’s mostly because they don’t have the determination to make those dreams a reality.
I’ve read books that were self-published and clearly not professionally edited.
The writing was poor, the spelling terrible, and the grammar almost incomprehensible.
Almost any of the document-producing tools on your computer can help with spelling and grammar and would have done a better job of proofing those books.
Some of the books even had a decent idea and story plot, which made the lousy quality of the writing more obvious.
Others didn’t have that saving grace.
The takeaway is that those authors did not use their lack of writing skills to stop them from producing their books.
They had the determination to push their idea forward.
It’s the same for all of us.
When we have an idea that we think is worth pursuing, we should push it through with the determination to see it completed.
If you’re like me, you’ll have hundreds of good ideas and more arriving every day.
It’s impossible to follow up on all of them, but you should write them down and follow up on the ones that excite you the most.
Writing them down as they occur to you means you’re left free to focus on the one(s) you want to complete first.
The others won’t be bouncing around for attention.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. If you struggle with getting stuff done, try this.
Get a calendar.
On the cover, write down a goal you want to accomplish.
Every day you work toward that goal, put a green check on it.
Every day you don’t, write down why you didn’t.
Do this for six months.
Look at your reasons for not getting stuff done and decide whether they are valid.
If they are, you may need to reassess what you are trying to do.
Either way, you’ll eliminate the weak excuses we all have.
If you’re frustrated and just want a proven step-by-step blueprint to follow, then this is for you. is a step-by-step blueprint that guarantees you’ll make money in days and a living in 90 days.
You will have to take action and stick with the plan, but that’s the same with anything worth doing.
The world isn’t going to give you a prize for showing up.
Unless you count “eventual surprise death” as a prize.
The world actually doesn’t reward anything to anyone.
Life isn’t a game of that sort, where if you play long enough, you earn levels, skills, and rewards just by surviving.
But the world is loaded with opportunities for literally anything you could want that exists right now – and even more amazing, it offers anything you can create that doesn’t exist yet.
But you have to go forth and get it.
And it’s never easy.
If it were easy, it wouldn’t be worth much.
That’s why most laidback hippies are broke and leach on society.
They do the easy things and get the easy rewards which barely amount to a hill of beans.
Those of us who went for the 40-40-40 plan didn’t fare as well as we should have.
It was far better than the hippie plan, but working 40 hours per week for 40 years to retire on 40% of your income isn’t such a great plan either.
It’s much better to be one who strikes out and creates their reality by grabbing an opportunity.
You may not succeed with the first attempt, but you will learn how to grab the next one better.
With the Internet, you don’t have to leave the 40-40-40 plan until you have replaced your income, making your efforts risk-free.
All you need is an hour or two per day to do the steps that will get you to your desired goal.
When you’re ready to step up, there is a path for you in the P.S.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. One of the best ways to lock in a reliable income when you are an affiliate is to market subscription products.
With these models, you make the sale once and get paid every time the customer renews their account.
That could mean monthly, six monthly or annually, but you’ll get paid for as long as they remain a customer of the product you suggested.
Typical products are autoresponders, web hosting, domain names, etc.