It is possible to be a millionaire and live like a pauper.
Being classified as a millionaire only means having assets totalling up to a million bucks.
If that happens to be your home, there is no income from that asset.
For example, I read recently that an apartment in Hong Kong purchased for $100,000 in 1982 is now valued at $6.4 million.
The owner still lives in that apartment and earns no income from that.
Some people would say they should sell and downsize, but that may not be possible, and unless they relocate to a cheaper city, they still have to buy in the same market.
Others would suggest a reverse mortgage to give the owners an income.
There are many good reasons why someone would resist that path.
Anyway, the point is that being a millionaire does not necessarily lead to a millionaire lifestyle.
It’s actually much easier to have the lifestyle without being a millionaire.
Let’s assume that your million-dollar asset is an income-generating one.
Let’s also assume that the income it generates is 10% per year reliably.
Oh, look. That’s the fabled six-figure income the gurus talk about.
Will $100,000 per year give you the lifestyle you dream of, or isn’t it quite enough?
You can reach that monthly income level ($274 per day) in months if you put your mind to it.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. You’ll need a platform to build that income on and a system to follow to make it work.
I really don’t understand why so many very attractive young ladies want to defile their bodies with tattoos, but perhaps I’m too old to get it.
The worst thing is that tattoos are almost permanent.
You can remove them, but that costs more than getting them in the first place, and I think it’s also more painful.
So, if your tattoo artist is not quite as skilled as they make out, you could end up like one young lady with a tattoo that was supposed to read “The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword.”
Unfortunately, for her, the space between Pen and Is was too small, so it read as one word.
If you search, you can find many YouTube videos of terrible tattoo work.
There is a niche that’s growing and will probably continue to grow for the next decade.
Tattoo removal and repair.
A PDF listing places to get this done would sell pretty well.
If you can do a deal with some of those places for leads, you could build a website talking about that niche and sell the leads.
All these things come in phases, last a few years, then fade out again.
It pays to be early in the cycle.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. If you’re looking for a free and simple-to-use platform with built-in traffic, you may find that this,, fits the bill nicely.
It has everything you need as a marketer and works very nicely.
I’ve picked up over 40 new and active subscribers on this platform without additional promotion.
There is built-in training, so you’ll not be left scratching your head, or you can email me and ask.
If you want to get even more, there is a paid plan, but it’s very affordable and has excellent benefits, paid is not essential to gain significant benefits from being a member.
Uncle Bill would say this to me every time I visited.
He was a war veteran and had been one of the Rats of Tobruk in WW2.
Now approaching 100 years old, he had all the issues that age can inflict except dementia.
Once you reach a certain age, the Government wants to check your brain function regularly to determine if you are still mentally competent.
You go through the same tests that Donald Trump went through, which he claimed showed that he was a stable genius.
Uncle Bill told me one visit that he had to go in to do the tests again, and he suspected they would be the same as last year’s test.
I suggested he sit down and ask if they plan to have him count backwards by 7s from 100 again or ask who the current Prime Minister is.
I don’t know if he did, but I do know that he thought it was a great idea and would clearly show that he was still mentally competent.
Financially the older generation is fleeced by the retirement villages, nursing homes and anyone else who thinks they can take advantage of them.
It seems that anyone providing a service to an older person thinks they should die with nothing left despite all their years of working, paying taxes, saving and investing for retirement.
Unless you have nothing, in which case you pay nothing, everything you do have will be stripped away.
That is the case until you have a significantly large nest egg.
The answer is clear.
You, and I, need to keep adding to our nest egg even after retirement.
Semi-passive income streams will keep them at bay because you can pay your way.
That prevents them from taking your savings and causing you to sell your home.
Uncle Bill didn’t quite make it to 100.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. Making your videos stand out will increase your views.
Making your videos valuable will increase your viewing time.
They won’t watch if you can’t get them to start.
Getting them to start is the purpose of the thumbnails, this will help you create better thumbnails and unique videos.
“Humans are wet robots that respond to programming. If you aren’t intentionally programming yourself, the environment and other people are doing it for you.” Scott Adams
We all like to think that we have complete autonomy over our thoughts and actions, but that’s not entirely true.
We are all the result of our past.
We are a complex mix of our genetics, upbringing, peers and environment.
Everything you read, including this email, changes your brain a little.
Everything to see and everything you hear also changes your brain a little.
That’s what Scott means when he states that we respond to programming.
He is absolutely correct that we either program ourselves or someone else will do the programming.
I know this is a true statement because I learned about this many years ago and set about reprogramming myself to be the person I wanted to be rather than the person I was.
It worked.
People who knew me before I began the process cannot believe how much I have changed.
There is more power in you than you might think.
The question is – “Who do you want to be?”
What I did was look around me and chose people who had the behaviours and attributes that I wanted for me.
Then I copied them.
I cloned their behaviours into myself.
In time I owned those behaviours, and they became a natural part of me.
It’s not about faking it until you make it as some would have you think.
It’s about taking those behaviours and mentally becoming that person for the time you need it.
The more you do that, the more the behaviours become embedded.
You’ll find that eventually, you won’t be doing that mental shift because the behaviours are now your behaviours in those situations.
Sure, sometimes the old behaviours surface, but those times are rare now, and I can quickly shift away from them.
Your turn.
Pick some behaviour of yours that is holding you back.
Find a person, or imagine one, who has the behaviour you want to substitute with yours.
Clone that behaviour in the situations your old behaviour gets in your way.
Keep doing that and you will have that breakthrough.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. There is only one spot left for those who need mentoring help.
I expect that to be snapped up shortly after this email hits your inbox, and this offer may not be made again for several months at the soonest.
It will not be at the same discounted price when it returns.
You don’t have to know more than everyone else, which is most likely impossible, but you do need to know more than 70% of the population.
You can reach that target much more quickly.
If you buy, or borrow from the library, three books on a subject and read them carefully, you will know more about that subject than 70% of the population.
From your position of strength, you can begin writing about the subject and people who know less than you will gravitate to your posts.
Instant expert status is yours.
Then you hang out in the same places as those who want this information.
Answer their questions and link to your posts.
What you are doing is building your audience.
That audience needs infotainment to be grown.
An excellent way to do this (and expand your audience simultaneously) would be to have regular viral contests where they can win prizes.
These prizes may be a mug, a T-shirt, a zoom consulation, or a free copy of your book in return for spreading the word using something like Upviral or Perkzilla.
I’ve watched Daniel Throssell do this with great success.
He used an even simpler process.
He offered a video of a critique he did for a subscriber (which they paid for) in exchange for proof of a post promoting his email list.
All successful marketers have built an audience to whom they sell stuff.
How well you do that will determine how well your business and income grow.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. I still have a couple of places left for the mentoring offer.
This is a trial, so I’m limiting the number of participants to what I think I can manage.
If you’re not ready to get started or grow what you have, that’s fine, and please don’t clog up a space from which someone else can benefit.
Despite all the excuses people have, there is only one way to go broke.
It’s always too much debt.
Sometimes people have manageable debt until they lose their job and have a drop in income.
Sometimes rising interest rates turn a manageable debt into an unmanageable one.
Sometimes other life circumstances cause change to your debt load and ability to service it.
My wife and I managed to work ourselves out of debt before we retired, and we managed to accumulate sufficient funds to be able to retire a year earlier than initially planned.
It makes all the difference.
Neither of my two brothers is in anything like our financial position despite my attempts to help them.
There’s only so much you can do for people who cannot see the truth of what’s offered.
I refuse to do anything for them until they take the first steps, but once they do that, I’ll be right there to help and guide them.
It’s not going to happen, though, because they both think they know better.
Comparing our current circumstances should be sufficient for them to see that what they’ve been doing isn’t working that well.
It’s the same with my marketing.
I’ll show you where to start, and you can then ask for as much help as you need.
Regards, Brent.
P.S. Here’s a dumb offer for you.
You can ask me any questions you like about marketing via email three times a week for a year.
I’ll reply to your emails within 24 hours and give you homework to do in those replies.
The whole point of this is to progress your business and income, not to fill up my inbox.