No doubt you are also being swamped by emails and ads telling you that the sky is falling and you have to start making money online right now.
It’s true.
The sky is falling, or about to at any rate.
It’s also true that you must begin to shore up your finances, but I’ve been telling you that for over a year now.
So why the rush of Johnny-come-latelies spouting the same warning?
It seems that one of the influencer gurus has decided that the economy is the new target for their marketing, and all the copycats have jumped on the bandwagon.
It’s pathetic how little thinking goes on in the minds of so many marketers.
I thought the signs were evident in 2019 – 2021 that the global economy was in bad shape and unlikely to improve.
So much so that all my retirement funds were out of the share market before the big dip when Covid hit.
While there was a big rally during 2020 – 2021, I was not convinced that the fundamentals had changed enough to dive back in.
I suspect that many of those who think they have conquered the share market will be burned badly unless they get out and stay out until the fire has burned itself out.
My job here is not to give you trading advice.
I leave that to people with far more experience.
My job is to help you generate additional income that is scaleable and can stabilise your finances in the coming turbulence.
If you’re still on the sidelines and want to get a toe-hold in the online market, there is a new product from a friend that will help you out.
It’s everything you need to set up a funnel and begin making money.
It certainly has destroyed some forms of comedy because of the risk that someone will be offended on behalf of somebody else.
That’s the thing I don’t understand.
How can you be offended on behalf of somebody else?
Do you know what they think?
Can you read their mind?
What if they weren’t even there?
I worked with a delightful gentleman from Kenya.
He had a wicked sense of humour and regularly bagged me for being racist because I insisted on black coffee.
We were pretty good friends during our work life together.
We worked on multiple jobs, me as the draftsman and he as the project manager.
One day he came to me with one of my drawings and said, “I don’t like that colour.”
I replied, “You can’t say that.”
He responded with, “Why not?”
I said, ” That’s racist.”
Everybody in the office sucked in a big breath, but he laughed and agreed.
He still insisted on changing the colour.
The boss hauled me into the office several times because other people complained about how I spoke to him.
No one ever complained about the way he spoke to me.
He never complained.
It was always a third party who was offended on his behalf.
The funny thing is that I carried on the same type of banter with everyone else in the office, but I only ever got complaints about how I spoke with my Kenyan friend.
It seems that there is always someone who thinks they know better than you about how you should behave.
I came across this in a recent email and found it entertaining enough to share.
One of my favourite classified ads of all time. It had a cute picture of a beagle on it and went like this:
Headline: Free To Any Willing Home
My girlfriend does not like my beagle, Molly. So I have to rehome her. She is purebred from a wealthy family, and I have had her for four years. She likes to play games. Not totally trained. She has long hair, so she’s a little high maintenance, especially the nails, but she loves having them done. She stays up all night yapping but sleeps while I work. Only eats the best, most expensive food. Will NEVER greet you at the door after a long day or give you unconditional love when you’re down. She does not bite, but she can be mean as hell!
So… anyone interested in my 30-year-old, selfish, wicked, gold-digging girlfriend? Come and get her! Me and my dog want her rehomed ASAP!
Not at all, like most comedy, there may be an element of truth in it, but most jokes are exaggerations of life.
And that’s OK because we expect that in a joke or comedic routine.
Some exaggeration is also acceptable in a sales letter, but when the embellishment stretches the truth and facts so far that they are in danger of breaking, it’s no longer OK.
Those sales letters are prime targets to bolster your income.
You know the ones I mean, those on Warrior Plus and JV Zoo that promise anyone can make serious bank without doing any work.
Here is where you discover exactly how you can make bank on their B.S. without it costing you a brass razoo.
I know that’s what Google tells you, and so do all the Alphabet sycophants, but it’s a steaming pile of B.S.
I have proved this to my satisfaction, and you can do the same quickly and easily.
Here are the steps:-
Create a new subdomain on your web host.
Install WordPress.
Delete all the ping URLs in the Writing section of settings.
Don’t add any plugins.
Write a post with a made-up keyword and a longish explanation of that keyword. This could be entirely gibberish, it doesn’t matter.
Let the website soak for a month or so.
Do not add any links to that page from anywhere.
After a few months, search on Google for that keyword.
Since there are no links to that page, Google will have no idea about it, and even though no one else will have used that keyword, there will be nothing in the SERPs about it.
What’s more important, buy buttons or an audience?
They’re both important, but some people will tell you that the person with the most buy buttons makes the most money.
That’s almost true.
There is a missing ingredient though.
If you don’t have sufficient visitors to the pages with the buy buttons, it doesn’t matter two hoots how many you have.
That is why people with big email lists do better.
You can make a great living with 100 true fans, but to get those 100 true fans, you may need an email list of 10s of thousands.
That’s especially true if your email subscribers have come for the freebie you offered them.
On the other hand, when you can get only confirmed buyers to see your sales pages, you’ll have a much better chance of getting subscribers who will buy something from you.
Maybe not the first thing you offer, but definitely something you offer later.
Now the rule about having more buy buttons can be your reality too.
As part of this free training on building your email list and making sales as you go, there is a link to a thing called The Click Engine.
When you check it out, you’ll understand the power of the concept.
The biggest problem with working for yourself and from home is how easy it is for anyone to distract you.
Everything seems to conspire against you to stop you from working or interrupt you.
As we all know, any interruption when you’re in the groove costs you 10 – 20 minutes before you’re back at the point you were on before the interruption.
For me, it’s my wife asking me questions, the grandkids arriving, the phone ringing, or some delivery person arriving at the door.
If I want to stay married, I must work around all those things with grace and grit.
But I also want to become more productive and efficient, so I’ve been writing a program to help me stay on track.
That hasn’t been working out so well.
Today I called it quits as I’ve already spent too much time trying to solve a bug in the software.
Today I went searching for an open-source solution that closely matches what I’ve been trying to accomplish.
It’s a freemium product, so if you have the same issues I have, give it a go.
I told you earlier in the week that I had something special for you.
It’s free training on using LeadsLeap to build a list of subscribers and make sales by giving them free training on getting free traffic.
The cool thing about the training is that you can import each page of the funnel into your LeadsLeap account and only have to edit a couple of lines to be good to go.
Yes, depending on where you get them, you can get other services for less or more. Those prices are for the products I use. I don’t necessarily pay those prices because I’ve had most of them for years, but they are the current prices.
LeadsLeap Pro – $20 /month (if you grab it when you join) or $27 /month if you don’t.
What would you prefer to pay?
$20 or 12 times that amount to get the same tools?