Most people focus on the product first, but focusing on getting traffic and building an audience first is a better option. P.T. Barnum said, “Without promotion, something terrible happens … nothing.” Clearly, that means that you have to get the attention of people
Clearly, that means that you have to get the attention of people.
You don’t need to offer people any sort of lead magnet to get their attention, but you will need one to get them on your email list.
That’s your ultimate aim.
You need something to offer them to get people to subscribe, but you do not have to have a unique product.
You can do this.
Search YouTube, Vimeo, or any of the video platforms for a video or two in the niche you want to target, paste the links into a PDF with a bit of a summary of why the prospect should watch them and give them the PDF as a short training module.
There you go, instant lead magnet.
In your follow-up emails, you send them to download the same PDF in the first three; the next three are one affiliate product, and the next three are different affiliate products.
Rinse and repeat that process in your follow-up sequence for as long as you like, but you could build up to a year’s supply of emails.
All you would have to do from here is keep driving traffic to the landing page which you can do free if you follow the guide in yesterday’s email.
P.S. It doesn’t matter what I write in these emails, what you get in others, or what you read online it’s vital to keep in mind what Lee McIntyre said, “Don’t focus too much on the opinions and viewpoints of other people because often what you CAN’T see is what their agenda is, which is normally hidden from plain sight.”
Read and digest what you read and learn but always put your own spin on it.
Everything I talk about is what I’m thinking or doing.
It’s not cloned from somewhere else.
Sometimes I share what others are doing because I think they’re on the right track, but it isn’t necessarily the right track for you.
You are the only person who can decide that.
Thinking about the process I described above and where you can best take advantage of it at no cost, I decided that the best platform for getting started is LeadsLeap because it has built-in traffic.
I regularly get sign-ups on that platform from the existing traffic, and there is no reason that you won’t get the same.
Let me disabuse you of the idea that this doesn’t take any work. That would be a fantasy, and if I knew I probably wouldn’t tell you for free. However, the best way to get free traffic is to have blog pages or videos ranking in the Google SERPs. I’m sure you agree with me on that.
Let me disabuse you of the idea that this doesn’t take any work.
That would be a fantasy, and if I knew I probably wouldn’t tell you for free.
However, the best way to get free traffic is to have blog pages or videos ranking in the Google SERPs.
I’m sure you agree with me on that.
How do you get this high ranking?
You give the Google algorithm what it wants.
How do you find out what it wants?
You ask it.
Thank you Captain Obvious.
OK, let’s go with an example of a high-volume and highly competitive search term.
Weight Loss.
I just did a search.
Your results might be different, but by drilling down the results page until I hit the bottom, Google informed me that there were only 240 results worth showing me.
Since anything after the top 10-20 results won’t get any significant traffic, we don’t want to get into the top 100; we want to get into the top 5.
The secret is to use the People Also Ask questions to create your pages or videos.
You could do this manually; it’s simple: a case of click, copy, paste until you have enough to work with.
Use the question as the title, use the answer as the basis of your post or video and create away.
Keep the posts and videos in their groups as you drill down because that’s how Google is showing you what they want.
Here is a YT link that demonstrates how SEOMinion scrapes and displays the PAA data.
It’s amazing.
I’d use the data provided to make long-form blog posts, even on Blogger, and I’d make a bunch of shorts using just the titles and descriptions that link to the main post using this tool:
Post them to YT, Fb, Instagram, and TikTok.
On the blog posts, I’d have Adsense and interstitial ads for Clickbank or Digistore24 products for weight loss.
There’s nothing stopping you from doing the same thing with any broad or narrow niche you like.
I know that many of you don’t see the value in creating books of any type to upload to Amazon or any other platform. After all, what if it doesn’t sell? You might have wasted 10 minutes right? Putting one online isn’t a recipe for success. You might need to create and upload 30 or 100 of these things, and they still might not sell.
You might need to create and upload 30 or 100 of these things, and they still might not sell.
In reality, they probably would if you published that many, and it might have taken you 20 hours to produce them.
Less than a week’s work.
Ignoring, for now, the fact that you might make a buck or ten with them for the next year or so, there is another benefit that you might not have realised.
In each of those descriptions, you can post a link to your website.
I suspect that Google would look at those links favourably.
Any visitor to any of those platforms who finds a link under a book you’ve published is likely to follow it to find out more about the author.
You have an automatic lift in credibility and authority because of your efforts.
What is that worth?
Find out how you can take advantage of this bonanza here.
On the page attached to the link below, there is a video showing how to create a low-content book in under 3 minutes. The smart ones amongst you will want to put a good-looking cover on it, which will take you about 5 minutes more to create one in Canva.
We’re in the 3D World for this little exercise. There are three things that I figured out that I must pay the bills when they come due. When you’re stony broke, as I have been, and the income is way too little to cover everything you want, you have to be careful
There are three things that I figured out that I must pay the bills when they come due.
When you’re stony broke, as I have been, and the income is way too little to cover everything you want, you have to be careful about who you pay and who you let slip.
These three things will severely hamper your lifestyle if you stuff them up.
The energy bill.
The accommodation bill.
The food bill.
I know that some will think that communications and transport are essential as well, but usually not.
Two of those things you can keep reasonably under control, but the accomodation bill is set by outside influences.
Everything outside those bills is discretionary expenses.
Sure, you need clothing, but you probably don’t need anything today and you don’t need new clothes.
Yes, you might need a phone, but it doesn’t have to be the latest and greatest one.
If you are in this situation today, I can tell you that there is a way out.
There are multiple ways out, and many of them have been given to you in my previousemails.
Most of those ways have been free or very low-cost ways to begin changing your finances so you can have whatever phone you like, you can buy whatever clothing you like, and you can eat out when you like.
Those things take surprisingly little additional money.
Think about it, would an extra $200 a month make a difference?
Regards, Brent.
P.S. Here are 92 ways to make some additional money.
Your success is only limited… I’m going to give you my answer, right or wrong, later in this email. Firstly, though, you should stop and think about your response to this. For me, this question became integral to how I conduct myself and what I do on a daily basis.
I want to start a new, paid newsletter. It won’t be expensive, somewhere between $7 & $20 monthly initially. Probably only run for 12 months, or less. I have three possible subjects. The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches. Raise Yourself from Failure to Success.
It won’t be expensive, somewhere between $7 & $20 monthly initially.
Probably only run for 12 months, or less.
I have three possible subjects.
The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches.
Raise Yourself from Failure to Success.
How to Sell Informational Products.
The newsletter content will be different even though they seem, at fist glance, to be similar.
The first will be about automation, shortcuts and low-cost ways to make things happen to create an income.
The second will be about the mental and skill steps you’d need to take to make a difference in your life.
The third one will be about how to put them together, where to get ideas from, how to drive traffic to your products, and how to build up your audience.
There will be overlaps of course, but they will be different.
Yet another ‘click-bait’ subject line, but is it? No, it’s not. There is a real reason for that subject line and I will explain it to you now. Both you and the acorn have the potential to grow into something magnificent. You can hear the but, can’t you.
There is a real reason for that subject line and I will explain it to you now.
Both you and the acorn have the potential to grow into something magnificent.
You can hear the but, can’t you.
It’s a big but too.
The acorn needs to be in the right environment to grow into an oak tree.
It needs its own patch of light, water, nutrients in the soil, etc.
When it has all of the essential things in place, it grows, over the years, into a magnificent oak.
What about you?
You also need to be in the right environment before you can grow into the magnificent person you can be, but those environmental factors are not always available.
There is one glaring difference.
The acorn never doubts its ability to become an oak; it never second-guesses what it’ll become.
The other oak trees and acorns never tell it that it can never become an oak because it’s too small, or doesn’t have the guts, etc.
That’s the skill you need to develop to become that magnificent person.
You must ignore the naysayers; after all, they’ve never grown into anything useful, so how would they know that you can’t?
Only listen to people who are either already on the path to magnificence or are already there.
No one else has the right to advise you on how to get there.
No one has the right to stomp on your growth and potential.
Not my plan of course. I knew we were going out to lunch with family. There was at least an hour of driving for the luncheon date. That’s total driving time, not one way. Lunch went longer than expected, and then we had some unexpected babysitting to do, which went longer than I thought it might.