While the Climate Change True Believers would have us think that the drought in Europe was caused by the burning of fossil fuels, the find under a rock in Traben-Trarbach, a German town closer to the French and Luxembourg borders puts the lie to that concept.
While the Climate Change True Believers would have us think that the drought in Europe was caused by the burning of fossil fuels, the find under a rock in Traben-Trarbach, a German town closer to the French and Luxembourg borders puts the lie to that concept.
The Moselle River water levels have fallen so far that the time capsule left by the people in 1417 exposed the bottles of wine to be drunk the next time the water levels were so low.
Talk about storing your wine in a stable environment.
Humidity levels are always the same, the temperature only varies a small amount, and no light would get to the wine.
There were probably not many cars driving around in 1417 so we can’t blame fossil fuels for the then drought.
I wonder how good the wine was to drink.
I suspect that, even in that environment, the wine was essentially undrinkable.
Wine does not normally remain in good condition for 607 years.
In my cellar, it rarely lasts for 10 years, but that’s not a reflection of the cellar or the wine quality.
My autoresponder was migrated to a different server during sending, and the link to the database broke.
When I fixed that, the autoresponder repeated sending the last email.
I trust that didn’t bother you too much, but it was totally out of my control, and I had no idea that it would respond that way.
As I have said before, and will probably say again, when your business relies on someone else’s platform there is always the possibility of disruption or total loss.
It should be part of your weekly maintenance routine to back up your email lists.
It should also be part of your daily routine to do something to add to your email list.
Also, backup all your websites at least monthly, but weekly is better, or daily if your sites have a lot of activity.
Even if nothing is happening, you still must make backups.
I lost months of work on three sites because I was stupid and didn’t back them up as I went.
As a kid, you may have dreamed about becoming a sports star.
Most of the kids who dream of sporting success will not achieve it.
But that dream may lead you to becoming a personal coach, or a gym owner.
Or one of many other disciplines within the sporting and health fields.
Dreams of financial success don’t always pan out as we’d like, but while you may not hit the billionaire status there is a very good chance that you will be financially comfortable.
Without dreams and goals, people drift along and get pushed around by the prevailing winds.
Peer pressure pushes them in directions that are not always the best option for them.
People drift into relationships and drift out of them without any direction.
Often, people like these have a victim mentality because they don’t understand that their lack of direction causes their misfortune.
Always taking the easy path will always leave you at the bottom of the heap.
We all desire to have better lives, but how many people set out to plan a better life?
How many even define what they mean by a better life?
Saying that you want to be rich means nothing.
Define what you mean by rich.
My definition is simple.
I want to have enough money coming in to cover all my expenses with a surplus to save and invest.
That’s been my goal for a long time, and I’m where I am today despite not having held a paid job for years.
Can you do the same?
I believe so, but it doesn’t matter if I believe it.
I made the mistake of telling everyone what I was doing and what I expected to happen.
Then, for a long time, I kept my mouth shut.
No one brags about losing money, do they?
No one tells their partner that they’ve just spent $5k on a useless course, do they?
Then, the results started to come in.
Slowly, at first, of course, but any results are better than no results, right?
Would you like to guess where the traffic came from that changed the results?
I’m giving you time to think.
That’s right.
The traffic came from emails like this one.
I know that many gurus are telling you that email is dead.
But they always ask for your email address when you try to buy their latest BS about email being dead.
I smell a rat here.
You might also notice that every other platform wants your email address when you sign up and they want you to confirm it by clicking a link in what?
An email.
So, if email is the best source of traffic, and everyone knows that, how do you build an engaged email list that will buy from you, and what do you send them?
It’s not just CrowdStrike updates that cause global problems.
It’s also Brave browser updates, or is it the LastPass update?
I don’t know which one, but it has caused problems globally.
True, I did a search and the issues have come from all over.
It’s a real bummer because I like Brave.
It’s a Chrome clone without the tracking stuff from Google.
I can isolate one workspace from another, which means that plugins and bookmarks are not shared unless you want them to be.
I like LastPass and have ALL my passwords in there.
I don’t remember them, how can you when many of them are fourteen characters of random letters, numbers, and symbols?
It’s only been the last few years that I’ve implemented more sensible unique passwords that I can remember for every site.
The challenge for me is which one do I change?
Brave or LastPass?
I can’t operate without my passwords so it’ll have to be Brave that goes.
I can’t use DuckDuckGo as my working browser because it is so secure that I cannot add any plugins.
It’s great for YouTube videos, though, with no third-party ads during the video.
That makes it easy to screenshot a video without having to edit out the crap.
I might try Opera or Firefox again, as they may have reduced the bloat.
Failing that, it’s gotta be Safari.
Here comes another spate of “We don’t recognise you on this machine” B.S.
We are currently in Charters Towers and are leaving for Hughenden tomorrow to begin the dinosaur trail.
Two nights there and on to Winton to see the dinosaur stampede.
The nights are getting cooler as we get further inland because the sky is clear of clouds, and the days are not hot enough for the ground to store enough heat to radiate overnight.
It is winter here, so the days reach the high 20s, and the nights drop to 10C.
Back home, the days are peaking in the mid-10s with wind and rain.
We are nearly 2,000 km from home by air or 2,500 km by the shortest road trip.
When we return in late August, there will probably still be enough cold, wet days for us to enjoy.
I trust that some of you are following along on the map, Google will help you.
Most of the make-money videos are out of date or never worked. The problem for you is that you don’t know until you try them out. That takes time and effort, and when you get no result it is discouraging. Now you could take those trials and make a video about them exposing the duds.
P.S. You’ll get more subscribers to your YouTube channel when you offer them something related to the video that is valuable.
Since you won’t want to waste any time producing anything substantial after writing your video script, you can use this, https://go.wm-tips.com/sheets, to create a cheat sheet based on your video to offer them.
Give it to them for free, use it as a lead magnet, or sell it for a small amount.