Facebook is getting more toxic by the day. My Facebook account is almost a private group. I accept very few friend requests and make even fewer. In the last two days, I’ve had two that I granted. One was an error on my part, and the other looked OK but turned out to be an error. Both began the sales pitch almost immediately. Both struggled with the simplest word. NO. One of them I had to block, I think the other has finally stopped the pitch. I’ll unfriend both of them though. The one I blocked didn’t stop even after I asked him. “Which part of no don’t you understand?” “The N or the O?” Look, I get it. When you think that what you have to pitch is the best thing since the best thing since sliced bread, you probably think anyone who says no is stupid. You’d be entitled to your thoughts, but I’m entitled to mine as well. I am a trained salesperson, and I know all the tricks and closes, and they don’t work on me. This method of friending someone then pitching via a DM seems to be getting worse. Some moron is teaching people to do this, and it will increase in popularity and annoyance. It’s time to fight back. I’m going to put together a sales pitch, so when they DM me, I’ll start pitching them. That should be fun. I’ll think about how best to tackle them and let you know. It might begin by giving them something for free with a pitch inside it. Treat the pitch like a funnel. What do you think? Have you had any/many of these? How do you handle them? Regards, P.S. No DM for this though. Not much of a pitch either because you either know you need help with your sales pages or you don’t. If all your sales pages convert well enough for you, then don’t click the link below. If they don’t convert well, perhaps this will help. |