Yes, as a marketer, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is mind control of your reader. The reality is that we use these methods often through our daily life. Sometimes it’s as easy a silk, sometimes it’s like pushing butter uphill with a hot knife. But all persuasion uses mind control, we just don’t always call it that. And most of us do it so politely that it causes no ripples of pushback. Unless you’re dealing with a toddler, in which case they haven’t yet succumbed to your persuasive skills, but they’ll learn to comply… …until they’re 13. Some marketers get antsy when people buy their stuff and never use it, but for some (most?) the act of buying is what satisfies the itch the product scratches. But that’s not the marketers problem, they have satisfied that itch. The people who publish skateboarding magazines don’t get mad if the person who buys a copy can’t Ollie and doesn’t even own a board. The people who sell hammers don’t care if you hang it on the shed wall to never so much as kiss a nail with it. The horse will drink of it wants to. Your job is just to point to water and collect your fee. If the horse drinks? High fives all around! If it doesn’t, shrug it off and find more horses that claim to be thirsty, and escalate the horses who drink to the top secret special fountain (for a higher price, of course). Talk about mixed metaphors. Would you like to know a secret? . . . I’ll assume the answer was yes. All mind control starts with emotion, any emotion will do. We all need to use more emotion in all our marketing content because that’s what causes people to take action. No emotion and the answer is Meh!. But when you know what questions people are asking it’s so much easier to hit them in their emotions. All you have to do is ask yourself which emotion triggered the question, then answer the emotion first. And this tool, Insight Analyser will give you all the questions plus tell you how many people ask that question and how many others are answering it, usually not many. When you understand the power this tool gives you, you’ll realise that you’ve bought a goose that lays golden eggs in exchange for peanuts. Regards, |