I knew I should have been buying all those books through my account. That might have kept it open. Clickbank closed my account. Google have closed my adsense account. All through lack of activity. Yes, I have been lax and not promoted products on those platforms much, so I’m stuck with W+ (shudder), JXZoo, e-Junkie (what?), Digistore24, nad a few others. Still, there are at least another 50 places I can set up an account and market their products. I guess I’ll have to set up a few small sites and traffic sources for them to keep visitors and buyers flowing into the new ones. The laxness (is that a word?) on my part has come about because of my feelings of being secure in my personal life. But Dan Kennedy says that the “myth of security.” is a handicap. Because, says Dan, there is no such thing as security. Not really, not if you look close. There’s no security in the money or investments you already have in the bank… in the job that you have now… in the business that you might own… in the current method you have of getting customers or clients… even in your personal relationships, your community, or even your nation (or your nation’s army). All of that can disappear, from today to tomorrow, or from this year to next year. It’s happened before, and it can happen again. The only security you have? According to Dan, it’s only in your ‘ability to produce.’ In a few more of Dan’s words: “… you had better sustain a very, very serious commitment to maintaining, improving, enhancing and strengthening your own ‘ability to produce’, because, in truth, it is all you’ve got and all you will ever have. Anything and everything else you see around you, you acquire and accumulate, you invest in, you trust in, can disappear in the blink of an eye.” Another valuable idea I’ve learned, this from “Sovereign Man” Simon Black, is that of a Plan B. A Plan B is a plan that works in case things go bad… and that also works and brings in value even if things stay as they are. Dan Kennedy’s idea of a very serious commitment to your “ability to produce” falls into this Plan B category. I don’t know what you can produce. And you may not yet either, but I know that I need to bump up my ideas. You might have to as well. A Plan B is, at the very least, a profitable side hustle. Something that you can do a little work on over your morning coffee or your evening one. Something that takes you an hour or less. Like making 3 – 5 videos to generate traffic from TikTok or YouTube shorts using this https://go.wm-tips.com/invideo because it’s easy and the videos are pretty good. All you need are the keywords that will attract clicks. Regards, |