Despite their background stories, most of them did not ‘discover‘ the key to unlock the money. Most of them were taught by one or more of the very few people who really did work it out. You may remember that I’ve been watching a lot of videos from one marketer recently. He talks about learning from the book Nothing But Net and putting that into practice. In a video I recently watched he accidentally let slip that he taught Frank Kern what to do. Frank doesn’t teach that system though. But Frank did help Marcus out by suggesting that he stop doing what he was doing for other people and start doing it for himself. Which he did, and still does. He’s not on social media because he hates it. What he does though is teach through YouTube without any strings attached. Some of his free training videos go for 2 hours, but he likes to be thorough. You task for today, should you choose to accept it, is to find a copy of the book Nothing But Net. If you can’t find one, ask me for a copy because I did find one. Good Luck. Regards, |