Some of you may get ticked off by this email, but you need to read it, and understand it. You already have everything you need to make an income online. Making an income online or offline comes down to essentially the same things. You need to talk to people. All marketing is a numbers game. Most marketers fail because they do not understand these simple truths. When I was an Insurance salesman I knew that all I had to do was get in front of enough people and I would make a sale. I did make sales, but I didn’t get in front of enough people so I didn’t make a lot of sales. But that’s the hard way to make money. The Internet is way easier because you can get in front of so many more people every day. This email will get in front of about 5,000 people without me doing any more than spend an hour writing, editing and posting it. But, I’ve been lazy. There could be a lot more people reading my emails and it’s my fault that there isn’t. I’m correcting that as we write/read this. My blog posts get in front of a lot more people because there are quite a few scattered across the Internet. I don’t know for sure because I haven’t tallied them up lately, but I suspect that there would be perhaps another 5,000 – 10,000 people every day reading something of mine. Again, I’ve been lazy. There should be a lot more content online, and probably better focused. The point though, is that even when I haven’t done much, there is still traffic, subscribers, and sales. This is a case of GOYA and do more before the Internet is so swamped with crappy AI that no one can find anything useful. You will get traction and ranking when you structure your content better. You will get traffic when you target places with traffic. There is no need to wait for Google to deign to put your content on page 1 because you could be coining it in weeks rather than 6 months to a year. You can do this for free, but it’s useful to have a couple of tools to help speed things up. I keep mentioning Insight Analyser because it doesn’t just find the low-competition keywords with searches, but it organises the layout you’ll need your blog to emulate for maximum effect. It also can write the blog posts you’ll need for each layer. Even if you only have adsense ads on your posts you’ll still make money because all that takes is human traffic. Regards, |