Or are there multiple truths depending on your point of view? Some truths are self-evident. Gravity exists. Rain falls down unless there is a strong wind. The sun always rises and sets. It’s darker at night time. Most birds fly, although some people don’t believe birds exist. Water runs downhill. Other people are unpredictable as individuals, but often predictable as a group. It’s warmer in summer than in winter. And no doubt many more that you can think of. Then some things might be true, and might not. Inflation should be held in the range of 2%. You have to be a crook to be a car salesperson. All politicians are dodgy (actually that might come under the heading of self-evident). Jews are all bad. Muslims are all bad. Christians are all bad Jews are all good. Muslims are all good. Christians are all good. Repeat for any other group of people you can think of. While there are extremes in all camps that prove the rule the vast majority of people fit somewhere in the middle. And that’s the problem with thinking there is a single truth. It’s far more likely that there are shades of truthiness in every statement. Which means that most truths are in the eye of the beholder. Then all discussions become ones of exploring who’s version of the truth we are discussing and why they think the way they do. The definition of truth for me is what you believe to be true. That means that a lie is anything you say or do that does not fit what you believe to be the truth. Regards, P.S. The truth, as I see it, is that building an email list is crucial for your ongoing business success. Writing a daily email is a simple exercise when you have AI tools to help you get started. But you’re not limited to AI tools, you can use any of the search engines similarly. Type in a search term based on something you want to explore. Read a couple of the articles that pop up and either curate one of them or write your email based on the thoughts in the original one. You could feed one or more of the articles into an AI tool and ask for a summary which you then use as the base for your email. Get started here: https://go.wm-tips.com/sr-list. |