You need the income until you don’t. This is a mistake that some wannabe marketers make. They think they have a great idea, and they might, and that they’ll make a fortune, and they might, but it won’t be in the next month. It probably won’t be in the next year. Particularly if they haven’t already built a successful business in the same field or worked for someone in the same field. It doesn’t matter if the business is online or offline the same rules apply. You have to know how to find the people who will buy your product. You have to know how to market to them. You have to know how to make what you’re doing profitable. Mostly, as a new business owner, it’s far, far easier to find a group of people who are already buying a product and sell the product to them. Then your job would be to convince them that what you are selling, or what you are offering, is superior to what they’re already buying. That’s a much easier sell than to sell something they’re not already buying. You can’t sell a car to someone who wants a motorbike. You can’t sell beer to someone who wants wine. Your job, as a budding marketer, is to find people who are buying something and get between them and the sale. When you can do this successfully and are making more than your 9-5 salary, then you can quit your job. But you’ll often find that to do that you’ll have to do the 9-5, then do the 5-9 as well. Commitment, persistence, study, testing and tweaking are what you’ll be doing, but when you do that you will succeed. Is it worth it? I can’t answer that for you. Regards, P.S. It’s so much easier today than it was when I started. I learnt HTML, Perl, Javascript, PHP, CSS, etc. just so I could build pages of content. Now I just post on my WordPress blog and all that stuff is managed for me. But there is an even easier way to manage this stuff. Here you can build pages quickly and easily. You can set up an autoresponder in seconds, and connect it to a form in minutes. You can put an ad in front of thousands of people who are searching for help. And you can do it all for free. |